Bhoomi: Government-funded digital land registry software in India. It digitizes old documents and controls new entries.

Keya Acharya is really a Bangalore-based Indian journalist specialising in development and environmental issues.
The issues that arise have to do with the vast inequities that cut across the social, economic and cultural spectrum of India – although e-governance has gone a way to addressing corruption.
It’s the latest buzzword for governments trying to cut poverty, address corruption in their bureaucracies and make themselves more responsive to their citizens.

Now greater attention needs to be paid to the ways in which these new dialogues, and the compromises they represent, inhere within specific spaces of decision making.
Thus CJ has to be rethought with regards to the structuration of dialogue between competing/contrasting/complementary logics.
Threats to equality of opportunity in spaces of policy making will undoubtedly be increasingly less likely the effect from exclusion of views, and much more likely to originate from the ways in which the inclusion of a wide selection of views is crunched by decision-making processes.
As Julie E. Cohen argues “For law and technology alike, relevant questions will include the allocation of rights and abilities to access, control, and alter these flows… .
But we can also look at how differing logics are harmonized, or reconciled or integrated, for example, and with what implications for policy outcomes.

  • And this implies that the data will necessarily reflect various ways of knowing that will be
  • Bhoomi database can be an upshot of the Bhoomi project for the online delivery and management of land records in Karnataka.
  • The IPM methods on the hotline could be equally effective against these minor pests and diseases, but farmers thought we would access the hotline

 Land records in the custody of the village accountant were not open for public scrutiny.
Over a period, several inaccuracies crept in to the old system through improper manipulation by the village accountant, particularly regarding government land.
 Even where accountants were law-abiding, village maps could not remain accurate as the land was parcelled into very small lots over generations.

It also offers recognition of farmers cultivating on leased land to enable them to access loans through institutional credit.
The model Act seeks allowing and facilitate leasing of agricultural land to boost access to land by the landless and marginal farmers.
Abolition of intermediaries would strengthen the position of the specific landholders and cultivators that help them to improve their social and economic stature.

extent by our epistemological parameters.
But now that our thinking has been opened up, what counts as desirable feedback is itself in motion, as is our vision of how any given end may be achieved.
These negotiations to advertise openness within the partnership while preventing the forms of compulsory visibility, or “information panopticism,”22 indicate an important link between openness and the technologies supporting it.

If the collapse of the machine as predicted by Marx did not take place, it had been because the distributive policies of the welfare state intervened.
An identical reestablishing of the balance between public and private institutions may also be required in the emerging information society.
While concepts of fluidity and connectedness dominate the network logic, and hence most theorizations of network/information society, the real world public-ness of our emerging social order will be represented by a plurality of considerably bounded, even though interconnected and relatively fluid, institutions.

This compares with 58 percent in industrialized countries as a whole, and 81 percent in america.
To cite a good example, India Shop is an Internet-based virtual shopping mall selling

An area solution for an area problem, or perhaps a bottom-up approach, is a concept developed from new public management which implies that a problem should be solved in the neighborhood context.
Andrews argued that isomorphism or guidelines of problem solutions might not be effective for each and every context.
The NPM concept is driven to locating and solving problems at the grassroots level.
Evidence from different countries in preventing corruption in a variety of sectors suggests that the bottom-up approach will probably reduce corruption more than the top-down approach.
Similarly, the existing study has discovered that some innovations created by local Land Offices have made an essential contribution to preventing corruption.

  • As a study group, Cell-Life originated as a reply to a critical development problem—the HIV pandemic—that was unprecedented in both scale and structure.
  • These studies have not focused much on deliberate land mismanagement by the authority (where ex-ownership of land is frequently maintained by unregistered documents) in the rural part of Bangladesh.
  • We study the impact of rapid agricultural information disseminated via telephone hotline on the productivity of four main crops–pigeon pea, finger millet, horsegram, and paddy–widely grown in central and southern India.
  • I can’t even stop collecting the info, because another arm of the state requires me to report on all manner of my students’ personal data.

can ‘tilt’ the industry at the margin, to expand opportunities for the poor and have potentially wide application over the industry.
Poverty reduction through pro-poor tourism can therefore be significant at a local or district level.
Moreover, the poverty impact may be greater in remote areas, although tourism itself could be on a limited scale .
The main regions of m-commerce use are in text messaging or SMS , micro-payments, financial services, logistics, information services and wireless customer relationship management.
Texting has been probably the most successful m-commerce application in developing countries, where rates of low fixed-line connectivity and Access to the internet have made it an e-mail surrogate.
Operators in China along with other Asian developing countries are gearing up for m-commerce applications for financial services in particular.

The farmers aren’t willing to surrender the rights of land towards the society since they have an excessive amount of attachment with it.
Conclusive land titling will encourage easy access of credit to farmers and lessen numerous land-related lawsuits.
Guaranteed title systems have been developed and found in countries such as Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, and the uk.
Conclusive land titles are guaranteed by hawaii for their accuracy and require provision for compensation by the state in the event of any conflicts.
Several people in the rural areas don’t have papers proving ownership of these land.
The delivery of property rights through an official document will enable villagers to access bank finance using their property as collateral.

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