
But there is still to be mentioned a district of Amsterdam which from the evening of Friday until the evening of Saturday is more populous even than Kalverstraat.
This is the Jews’ quarter, which has, I should imagine, more parents and children to the square foot than any residential region in Europe.
I struggled through it at sundown one fine Saturday—to say I walked through it might be too misleading—and the impression I gathered of seething vivacity is still with me.
Drystubble’s device—Lothario and Betsy—The English in Holland and the Dutch in England—Athleticism—A people on skates—The chaperon’s perplexity—Love on the particular level.
Of Hals himself, then about seventy, and many of his old pupils—Wouvermans, Dirck Hals, his brother, four of his sons, the artist himself and others.
Hals taught also Van der Helst, whose just work at times comes nearest to his own, Verspronk, Terburg and Adrian van Ostade.

  • He was the principle medium of communication between Charles and his wife as the King was away and Charles’s marginal notes and instructions on Nicholas’s letters explain just how much he was coming to rely upon his wife for advice and information.
  • Its lowest visible stratum is of black stones, beneath the sea-level; a stratum of large red bricks; then turf.
  • It was not difficult for his enemies to develop a case against him.
  • The

On gaining admittance they rushed to an upper room, where they found their victims, who had through the entire whole of the tumult maintained the greatest composure.
The bailiff, reduced to circumstances of extreme debility by the torture, was reclining on his bed; his brother was seated near him, reading the Bible.

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Trade had been declining, largely as a result of loss of markets caused by the European war; in the clothing areas, particularly, there was much unemployment and considerable distress.
Members were concerned for the industry which was the very backbone of English prosperity sufficient reason for which many of them were closely connected, plus they were worried at the risk of insurrection as starving cloth workers started to take food from the market place and from the homes of richer people.
Some employers were helping their workpeople giving them food or keeping them on in work in spite of the point that unsold cloth was accumulating within their barns.
Sir Edwin Sandys, who represented Ipswich in the clothing section of East Anglia, made an impassioned speech for ‘the poor man’s labour, his inheritance’ and a few months later the first Commission on Unemployment was appointed.
Two days before that the Bohemian Council of State offered the throne of Bohemia to Frederick, Elector Palatine, James’s son-in-law.
In 1617 attention begun to be focused upon the Central European state of Bohemia, whose king was one of many Electors to the Holy Roman Empire and who was at that time the aged Hapsburg, Matthias, the Holy Roman Emperor himself.
Desperate to perpetuate in the Hapsburg family the succession of both Bohemia and the Empire, he resigned the crown

But Lastman was of little use, and Rembrandt soon returned to Leyden.
Of Rembrandt’s genius it is late in the day to write, nor have I the power.
We’ve seen certain of his pictures at The Hague; we will see others at Amsterdam.

It is possible that Vermeer may have been largely represented.
The main tomb in the Old Church of Delft is that of Admiral Tromp, the Dutch Nelson.
While quite a child he was at sea along with his father off the coast of Guinea when an English cruiser captured the vessel and made him a cabin boy.

Constitutionally he had not been obliged to consult the Commons on foreign policy, nor had he any reason to trust that the Members were as well equipped as he himself to take decisions.
He had accepted at face value their anti-Spanish sentiments and he might well have felt that his immediate policy was in accord making use of their wishes.
If Charles had any doubts as to what it designed to rule a kingdom they were resolved because the papers flowed in for his perusal.
Three hundred and forty-six times prior to the year was out, seven-hundred and thirty-three times prior to the end of 1626 he’d sign an array of documents of varying importance which found him from his Secretary of State alone.
He was sufficiently conscientious to read them all, and many times amended them in their own fine, spidery hand; and sufficiently punctilious to dispense with an indicator manual and actually to create his name on all of those he approved.
It is difficult to say what lengths Charles and Buckingham were thinking in terms of the succession.

Bath Life – Issue 432

However the opinion was probably influenced by Charles’s refusal to embrace the French — Venetian alliance that the Ambassador was pushing.
The Petition of Right was a straightforward document, containing four simple demands that went to the center of the Commons’ grievances.
There must be no taxation without consent of Parliament no imprisonment without cause shown; no billeting of soldiers or sailors upon householders against their will, no martial law to punish ordinary offences by sailors or soldiers.
Yet they, too, were grievances basic to a society which levied troops without barracks or other accommodation to accommodate them.

  • Van Trier was hanged upon the gallows by one leg until he was dead, in return for which barbarity the nineteen Spaniards were immediately gibbeted by De la Marck.
  • The Scots had no intention of abandoning the Covenant and Charles sent Hamilton to Scotland to negotiate.
  • But I was not interested so much specifically things as in the cathedral all together.
  • I have called Hals the glory of Haarlem, yet he was only an adopted son, having been born in Antwerp about 1580.

Dutch country and the Dutch people, gathered during three visits, as well as an accretion of matter, more or less pertinent, drawn from many sources, old and new, to which I hope I have given unity.
For trustworthy information upon the much more serious side of Dutch life and character I would suggest Mr. Meldrum’s Holland and the Hollanders.
My thanks are because of my friends, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lüden, for saving me from many errors by reading this work in MS.
He made his profession of faith, saying that he died a Christian in line with the tenets of the Church of England, he placed on the white satin cap which would confine his hair, placed his George, which he had worn to the final, in the hands of the Bishop, and spoke to him one word — ‘Remember’.
Then he lay down, put his head upon the block, and, following a second or two, stretched out his arms.

Ensign Solis, who had mounted the breach for an instantaneous, and miraculously escaped with life, after having been hurled from the battlements, reported that he had seen ‘neither helmet nor harness,’ as he looked into the city; only some plain-looking people, generally dressed like fishermen.
Yet these plain-looking fishermen had defeated the veterans of Alva….
The stained glass in Edam’s great church has reference rather to Holland’s temporal prosperity than to religion.
More interesting is the room over the southern door, that was used first for a prison, and later for a school, the library which still could be seen.

From such friends and supporters who came into him at Oxford Charles reaped great satisfaction.
On the anniversary of Edgehill he called Edward Lake to him.
Lake was an attorney who, despite his inexperience, had shown remarkable bravery.
When his left hand was shot he placed his horse’s bridle in his teeth and fought with his sword in his right hand before end of the day, when he was captured and imprisoned.
Charles was deeply impressed; ‘you lost a great deal of blood for me personally that day’, he said, ‘and I will not forget it.’ Then, embracing the bystanders, ‘for a lawyer’, he said, ‘a professed lawyer, to throw off his gown and fight so heartily for me personally, I must need think very well of it’.
Charles not merely created him a baronet but showed his habitual care over detail by firmly taking a personal interest in Lake’s proposed coat of arms, himself augmenting it by the addition of among the lions of England.
Henrietta-Maria was by this time firmly established at The Hague, where she and the Princess Mary had arrived on February 25 to a welcome which was warm if not enthusiastic.

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