kinder: Confectionary giant known for its iconic chocolate eggs containing toys. Its Bueno line is aimed less exclusively at children.

Mèche, by confusion with another match;chine, ‘rim of cask,’ from chime, cf.
Kimme, ‘border,’ confused with chine, ‘backbone.’ I give some of these examples with a little diffidence, though I’ve no doubt of the general principle of childish confusion of unrelated words among the sources of irregularities in the development of sounds.
In other languages we find similar clippings of names pretty much carried through systematically, e.g.
Greek Zeuxis for Zeuxippos, Old High German Wolfo for Wolfbrand, Wolfgang, etc., IcelandicSigga for Sigríðr, Siggi for Sigurðr, etc.
To Class C, where the child contributes only the sound and the the elderly give a meaning from what on the child’s side was meaningless—a process that reminds one of the invention of blotting-paper—belong a number of the best-known words, which require a separate section.
When once formed, such words could be transferred to other things, where in fact the sound plays no more any rôle.

  • Secarse bien.Try to dry yourself thoroughly.
  • ° echar los bofes to pant, be out of breathEstoy echando los bofes.I’m exhausted.
  • In 2017, the brand opened its first café in Chicago where all of the Nutella lovers can go and revel in their unique experience from different recipes.
  • Some of their well-known subsidiary brands include Nespresso, Nescafé, KitKat, and Milo.
  • ° junto con withLlegó junto conmigo.He arrived with me.
  • Racha streak, string, seriesHa habido una racha de crímenes.There’s been a number of crimes.

▲ to sound familiarEse nombre no me suena.That name doesn’t sound familiar.
▲ to be mentioned, be discussed, be in the general public eyeSu nombre suena mucho.His name’s always in the general public eye.

Slogans Of Casino Brand (us)

French dressings with a difference.
Kids and grown-ups think it’s great so.
The only leading tuna with the U.S.
The best selection of retro candy on the Internet.
Good baking comes naturally With all-natural Red Star yeast.

Enconarse to become infectedSe le ha enconado la herida.His wound has become infected.
Encogido bashfulEra un chico muy encogido.He was an extremely bashful boy.
° ponerse encendido to blush.
Encaminar to directLos encaminamos a la estación.We directed them to the station.
° encaminarse to make one’s way, goSe encaminó hacia su casa.He went toward his house.
Empapar to soakEmpape esta esponja en agua.Soak this sponge in water.
° empaparse to be soaked, be drenchedLlueve tanto que me he empapado al cruzar la calle.It’s raining so hard I acquired soaked crossing the street.

Vestido dressedIba muy bien vestido.He was very well dressed.
▲ dress¿Qué vestido llevo a la comida?
What dress shall I wear to the dinner?
Velar to remain up, keep watchEstuvo toda la noche velando el enfermo.He kept watch all night over the sick man. ▲ to remain awakeVeló toda la noche.He stayed awake all night.
° velar por to deal with, protectVela muy bien por su familia.He takes excellent care of his family.
Uno a, anNecesito un experto para este trabajo.I want an expert for this work.
▲ oneSólo uno ha llegado.Only 1 has arrived.

Slogans Of Gsf German Seafrozen Fish

The miniature single squares or bars come in milk chocolate, peanut butter chocolate, mint chocolate, and many other palatable flavors.
Established in 1852, the third-oldest chocolate brand in america after Whitman’s and Baker’s Chocolate.
It’s a landmark name in gourmet chocolate creation for a whopping 169 years.
The confectioner took its name following the legendary chocolatier, Domingo Ghirardelli.
Ghirardelli is a US division of Swiss chocolatier Lindt & Sprungli.

  • To this could be added a want of perception of the poetic charm inherent in the sound.
  • Destacar to stand outDestacaban por su estatura.They stood out because of their height.
  • Imitar to imitate, impersonateImita muy bien a esa actriz.She imitates that actress perfectly.
  • ° alguna otra cosa something else¿Quiere Ud.

In the current presence of anybody else.
When they were independently they conversed pretty freely and in a totally unintelligible gibberish, as I had the chance to convince myself when standing behind a door 1 day if they thought they weren’t observed.
This, then, is Hale’s theory.
Why don’t we now look a little closer into the proofs adduced.

Ferrero Enters Greece And Expands To Barcelona

° de otra manera in another wayNo se lo puedo decir de otra manera.I cannot tell him any other way.
▲ otherwiseEstaba allí de otra manera no le hubiera hablado.He was there, otherwise I wouldn’t have spoken to him.
° de todas maneras at any rateDe todas maneras

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