I realize I might be preaching to the choir, but I believe he’s gorgeous.
Find out which words work together and produce more natural sounding English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app.
The Conjugator is really a website dedicated to conjugation in English.
You can find all English verbs conjugated in every times and all modes.
Preached that we should love our neighbor once we love ourselves.
Through the sermon, he preached concerning the dependence on forgiveness.
Practice everything you preach-don’t smoke if you tell your children never to smoke.
Practice everything you preach—don’t smoke in the event that you tell your children never to smoke.
Their mother has always preached the worthiness of education.
Support for the regime with their congregations, many of whom loudly dissent.
Papa Don’t Preach
You cannot preach without making your daily life to begin with perfect. needs to review the security of one’s connection before proceeding.
I can’t stand being preached at about how exactly I should live my life.
She preached concerning the benefits of a wholesome lifestyle.
In English &
To advocate or inculcate (religious or moral truth, right conduct, etc.) in speech or writing.
Must review the security of your connection before proceeding.
The minister preached to the congregation about the dependence on tolerance.
Look up any word in the dictionary offline, anytime, anywhere with the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app.
The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep.
Examples are used only to help you translate the term or expression searched in a variety of contexts.
They are not selected or validated by us and can contain inappropriate terms or ideas.
- Must review the security of your connection before proceeding.
- They preach the truth to their family and relatives in their hometown.
- Ecumenical in outlook and Bible-based, it speaks in the context of current UK and world events.
- Examples are used and then help you translate the term or expression searched in various contexts.
This is a text where one might preach one thousand sermons.
I have never heard any pastor preach a complete sermon on angels.
They preach the reality with their family and relatives within their hometown.
Nowadays you need to preach revolution wearing a robe.
It is suggested pastors preach with three types of people at heart.
It is this message you must preach and teach to others.
Please report examples to be edited or never to be displayed.
Rude or colloquial translations are often marked in red or orange.
Take a chance to read and think about the Sunday readings during the first five weeks of Lent.
Then, every week participants share their insights within an network discussion, guided by way of a facilitator.
It’s designed to assist you to develop your gifts of preaching and sermon writing.
Ecumenical in outlook and Bible-based, it speaks in the context of current UK and world events.
Each issue targets a theme – giving you sermon ideas and insight for connecting with your congregation.
To give earnest advice, as on religious or moral subjects or the like.
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