Self-sovereign identity: Digital identity approach that gives individuals control of their virtual identities.

By this standard, a self-sovereign architecture for verifiable claims is one where the holder of a verifiable claim is in complete control of their identifier and how they’re used.
For additional security, you will generate a fresh public key whenever you transact with another party to reduce the probability of someone correlating data.
This practice can be compared to having another password for

  • Cross-layer considerations are components and regulations that affect multiple component within the four layers.

SSIs are decentralized digital identities that are devoted to valid and verifiable credentials coupled with physical verification information, such as biometrics.
Users may self-manage unique digital identities by using blockchain solutions and minimal proofs, which eliminates the necessity for external parties to securely store and maintain user data.

Digital Inheritance: Get Ready Today

While siloed identities offer benefits such as for example one identity for just one service and limited impact in the event of identity theft, users end up getting countless service-specific identities.
Fulfilling these properties, DIDComm is a draft for interoperable communication between any two entities that DIDs represent.

The technical trust layer contains the DID-related components, such as VDRs for his or her storage and how they are resolved into documents that contain related information.
As of the writing of this tutorial, nobody solution solves the interoperability issue of self-sovereign identities.

What’s Ssi?

Dock is really a Verifiable Credentials company that delivers Dock Certs, a user-friendly, no-code platform, and developer solutions that enable organizations to issue, manage and verify fraud-proof credentials efficiently and securely.
Dock enables organizations and people to generate and share verified data.
Thankfully, decentralized identifiers allow visitors to create digital identities they can securely connect to their Verifiable Credentials that don’t reveal personal information without authorization.

Similar to federated identities, the acceptance can be achieved if the issuers, holders, and SPs can align on the standards of the assertion of identities.
However, the magnitude of differences in SSI implementations is significantly higher than in federated identities, which concentrate on standardization of assertion.
Since SSI is a decentralized approach and the identities can exist outside of IDPs, SSI implementations require not merely standardization of assertion but additionally the creation of trust and communication.
Therefore, achieving interoperability can be more complex compared to the federated approach.
Our secure network enables individuals and organisations to take full control of these data while providing a payment rail, that allows companies to generate new and different business models.
Through our network, anyone can verify identities quickly and securely.
In a nutshell, self-sovereign identity or decentralised identity is a approach to identity that centres the control of information round the user.

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