
Paid Family Leave: A Californian initiative that provides residents with partial pay in order for them to attend to a sick family member or following the birth of a child.

Paid Family Leave: A Californian initiative that provides residents with partial pay in order for them to attend to a sick family member or following the birth of a child.

A study by Arno and colleagues based on HRS longitudinal data examined the long-term economic effects on workers who either reduced their hours at the job or left the workplace before full retirement. Paid family leave is currently how all other advanced economies resolve infant care, often with paid leaves for one or both parents…

Sick leave: The term used to describe the number of days allotted to an employee where they may be paid while off sick.

Sick leave: The term used to describe the number of days allotted to an employee where they may be paid while off sick.

Payments to employees that aren’t directly related to their productivity. Physical characteristic of a disabling condition, including a broken bone, sprain/strain, cut/laceration, and poisoning. Efficiency at which combined inputs are used to produce goods and services. Full or partial elimination of hazardous conditions or exposures in the workplace by means of installing relevant devices or…

Automatic cat feeder: Cat feeding device which dispenses food at pre-set times of day. Designed to enable owners to leave their pet alone for short periods.

Automatic cat feeder: Cat feeding device which dispenses food at pre-set times of day. Designed to enable owners to leave their pet alone for short periods.

The unit runs on the counter clock timer that works together with an hour increment. Each compartment has its own timer so they can be set to open at different scheduled times. HoneyGuaridan A36 automatic pet feederThe HoneyGuaridan A36 is an automatic feeder which allows one to feed your cat around 6 times per day,…

Voluntary redundancy: Business cost-cutting measure whereby multiple employees are given the option to accept a severance package and leave the company.

Voluntary redundancy: Business cost-cutting measure whereby multiple employees are given the option to accept a severance package and leave the company.

Constructive dismissal exists where there’s cessation of work because continued employment is rendered impossible, unreasonable or unlikely, as an offer involving a demotion in rank or a diminution in pay along with other benefits. Constructive dismissal may likewise exist if an act of clear discrimination, insensibility or disdain by an employer becomes so unbearable for…

Snapshift: Restaurant management and planning software that allows employees to collaborate and submit time sheets, contracts, and leave requests.

Snapshift: Restaurant management and planning software that allows employees to collaborate and submit time sheets, contracts, and leave requests.

A player interacts with others in the virtual world—the grid—through an avatar; these terms are too good to stay in-world, orin the virtual world. Animation override is really a feature that overrides a basic function of the avatar to make it more lifelike—a useful concept and term in true to life. Perhaps no Second Life…