zettlr: Markdown editor designed for writers and researchers. It is a user-friendly interface aimed at a less technical market.
Beautiful invoice template, offline-first & configurable.
Unicopedia SinicaSet of Unicode utilities linked to ideographs, wrapped into one single app.
Unicopedia PlusSet of Unicode, Unihan & emoji utilities wrapped into a unitary app.
- If you’re not utilizing a personal knowledge management system I recommend you read about what they are able to do for you, possibly under “zettlekasten” or “digital gardening”.
- It lists a bunch of different ADHD specialists (including psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, workplace advocates, etc.) along with their contact info and locations.
- You can pick another area to completely clean, run an errand, work on homework, etc.
- Roam Research, a Markdown note-taking app, is a great choice for researchers, programmers, and others who want to take down notes on the run.
By hovering over any one of the lakes, an expanded view of the satellite image is displayed.
By simply clicking the name of the lakes shown, the application form will open up a new browser window having an OSM view showing the lake’s location in context.
Another screenshot of the ‘ROOFS’ project interface.
On the left panel, users are empowered to verify the accuracy of our deep learning model and at exactly the same time understand how the model sees via the visualization of its neural networks’ activations.
The panel on the proper displays the unexplored areas, while providing users with the geographical context where the satellite image is taken from.
Motion as a medium to review the potential of three-dimensional architectural reconfigurability.
Zoho Notebook
These tools will allow you to at every step of the translation process – during the preparation of documents for translation, throughout translation, and during QA and post-formatting.
Trados Studio termbases are written in a proprietary format, developed by MultiTerm.
- 🌎 Trello – A collaboration tool that organizes your projects into Kanban boards.
- Sufficient reason for real-time collaboration, your team can work together from anywhere, whether they’re on Mac, iPad, iPhone, or utilizing a PC.
- Brili monitors the time and tasks and reminds you with beeps of that time period passing.
- Tuxera NTFS – Full read-write compatibility with NTFS-formatted drives on a Mac.
- Opening notes takes somewhere within 10 and 30 seconds on the Android app, while constantly freezing — in accordance with some users.
- You can easily create a beautiful GitHub README by using several Markdown tools.
Don’t mess about with people who have one-strike-you’re out policies regarding mistakes or meltdowns.
Resist Perfectionistic Tendencies because they’re often counterproductive and harm your mental health.
Don’t stop that fight just because someone may be disappointed.
Add a daily task that’s “List Daily Satisfaction”.
At the end of the day, take a second to think about what you DID have finished.
Often turns out the day wasn’t the waste it seemed to be.
Notebag: The Tiny Simple To Operate Note-taking App:
but creating a habit to stretch for 3-5 minutes every day can make a big difference over time.
Take Advantage of WHENEVER YOUR Medication Wears Off, if you didn’t have a lot to eat earlier in the day, you can make up for it a little later.
If you have issues with eating far beyond your ADHD (Disordered Eating, etc.), now could be a good time to get some extra help.
Speaking with a therapist really can make a difference, and also contacting the NEDA crisis chat.
You can find genetic tests to figure out the right medication , but keep in mind that their informative value is rather limited as research indicates.
This added an unforeseen strain to effective communication.
Continue, ‘roles that companies have to fill will be the “translators” and data scientists (“quants”)’ .
‘However, the specific percentage of projects that fail is questionable, there is absolutely no doubt that lack of communication in small and big data projects causes big problems’ .
The analyses presented demonstrate that the mix of static and dynamic networks, and text analysis, can enrich our understanding of contemporary architectural production.
The first analysis aggregates the conflicts into a basic static network (Fig. 2).
Focusing on high-level features of each conflict this analysis offers a spatial and organizational portrait of the look process through a directed-force graph.
First, we introduce a novel general solution to derive empty trips and idle periods from a user trip dataset.
Second, we show the relationship between cost and accumulation dynamics, and we introduce a novel method to reconstruct accumulation dynamics also to find the minimum fleet for serving demand, as a time-series dynamic problem.
Third, we introduce a novel way to visualize accumulation dynamics and, to our knowledge, for the first time, we visualize the dynamic relationship between accumulation dynamics of most areas in the city for taxicab systems.
🌎 Hue in the Menu – Philips Hue light management in the menu bar with multi-room support.
🌎 Eye Timer – Take Breaks to prevent Eye Strain timer for Mac.
Such circumstances have already been inspected and modified in the AutoCAD files.
The AEC ought to be placed towards how ML can be integrated rather than what ML can perform.
Despite management’s willingness to invest in ML, how technology is perceived greatly affects its implementation.
Much like any technology that dominates the general public eye, over-hype and misconceptions run rampart.
Leadership positions rarely contain ‘digital natives’ and misconceptions can result in an ‘uncertain about what exactly AI can perform for them’ .
Features include an intuitive interface, user-defined macros, integration with machine translation and external dictionaries and real-time QA.
WordFast Classic is really a CAT tool that operates entirely inside of Microsoft Word.
Since some versions of MS Word can be installed and run via your wine compatibility layer , WordFast Classic can be used in GNU/Linux.
BasicCAT can be an open source and free computer-aided translation tool, which is aimed at providing a straightforward and useful tool for translators.
The name is BasicCAT, because of its simplicity and its program writing language, Basic.
You can customize your notes with a rich-text editor as well.
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