Audm: Narration service for long-form journalism. Articles from publications such as The Atlantic and Wired are made available in audio form on subscription.

Trapped within their group-specific jargon, the two camps on Zoom literally couldn’t understand one another.
China’s people can’t use an election to rid themselves of Xi.
And with no independent judiciary, the government can make a disagreement, however strained, that it must possess any information stream, as long as threats to “stability” could possibly be detected on the list of data points.
Or it can demand data from companies nowadays, as happened during the initial coronavirus outbreak.
No independent press exists to leak news of the demands to.

“Rosa sat so Martin could walk so Barack could run so we’re able to all fly”—that was the story in a sentence, and it was so convincing to a lot of people in my own generation, myself included, that we were slow to notice how little it designed to many people under 35.
We told them they had no idea what the crime rate was like in 1994.
Smart Americans pointed to affirmative action and children’s medical health insurance.

The beginning of a global pandemic was a terrible time to enter a fight over words.
But she had an inkling that the verbal sparring was a symptom of a more impressive problem—that outdated science was underpinning public health policy.
But first, she had to crack the mystery of why their communication was failing so badly.

Opinion-led Gb News Struggles For Audience

barriers to equality were removed.
If anyone doubted that the united states was learning to be a more perfect union, the election of a Black president who loved to utilize that phrase proved it.

False positives—deeming someone a threat for innocuous behavior—would be encouraged, in order to raise the system’s built-in chilling effects, in order that she’d turn her sharp eyes on her own behavior, to avoid the slightest appearance of dissent.
But The Caller’s immigration coverage tripped intense debates among writers and editors there, reflecting the battle that would soon remake the Republican Party itself.
One former writer recalled filing pieces about immigration that could keep coming back from editors with supportive quotes stripped out.
Some Caller workers viewed Mr. Munro’s news articles only a small amount a lot more than opinion columns, with an obvious slant and often factual problems.

September 14, 2022

Local elections in-may 2022 will provide the next test of exactly what will become a permanent system that may be adapted to work with many other forms of publicly available data from health to sports and business.
More than eight in ten (85%) say that AI will undoubtedly be very or somewhat important this year in delivering better personalisation and content recommendations for consumers.
An identical proportion (81%) see AI as very important to automating and accelerating newsroom workflows, including the tagging of content, assisted subbing, and interview transcription.
Others see AI as playing a key part in assisting find or investigate stories using data (70%) or helping with commercial strategies (69%), for example in identifying and targeting potential customers most likely to cover a subscription.
Using AI to automatically write (40%) stories – so-called robo-journalism – is less of a priority at this time but is where many of the most future-focused publishers are spending their time.

  • The new economy had replaced “outmoded ideologies” with dazzling technologies.
  • “The under-reported media story of the 21st century is how well book publishers have adapted to their new world, better than their counterparts in virtually any other print content business.
  • We further assumed our “royalty” to be based on the Audible retail selling price.

Influenza infects millions each year, killing between 300,000 and 650,000 globally.
And epidemiologists are predicting the next few years provides particularly deadly flu seasons.
Li hopes that acknowledging this history—and how it hindered an effective global response to Covid-19—will allow good ventilation to emerge as a central pillar of public health policy, a development that could not just hasten the end of the pandemic but beat back future ones.
Digging through the past, her collaborators were planning a campaign.

Short-form social video will make a comeback off the trunk of creator innovation in youth-based social networks.
Expect publishers to adopt more of these techniques in 2022, together with the growth of streaming platforms such as Twitch, contributing to a fresh ‘pivot to video’.
Media companies continue steadily to bet on artificial intelligence as a way of delivering more personalised experiences and greater production efficiency.
More than eight-in-ten of our sample say these technologies will undoubtedly be important for better content recommendations (85%) and newsroom automation (81%).
A lot more than two-thirds (69%) see AI as critical on the business side in helping to attract and retain customers.
When it comes to innovation, we can expect a back again to basics approach this season.
Two-thirds of our sample (67%) say they will spend most time iterating and improving existing products, making them quicker and more effective.

The push to “defund the police” through the protests over George Floyd’s murder was resisted by many local Black citizens, who wanted better, not less, policing.
Just America can’t cope with the stubborn divide between Black and white students in academic assessments.
The mild phrase achievement gap has been banished, not only because it implies that Black parents and children involve some responsibility, but additionally because, according to anti-racist ideology, any disparity is by definition racist.
Eliminate assessments, and you’ll end the racism combined with the gap.
Not unjust laws—the most significant ones were overturned by the civil-rights movement and its own successors—or even unjust living conditions.

Longform Podcast

Many of these time-synced feeds of on-the-ground data could possibly be supplemented by footage from drones, whose gigapixel cameras can record whole cityscapes in the kind of crystalline detail which allows for license-plate reading and gait recognition.
“Spy bird” drones already swoop and circle above Chinese cities, disguised as doves.
City Brain’s feeds could be synthesized with data from systems in other cities, to form a multidimensional, real-time account of almost all human activity within China.

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