Autonomous database: A database that is run and maintained by an AI rather than a human.

Previously, DBAs would approach scalability issues by provisioning for ‘worst-case scenario + 10%’ to be able to ensure for each possible eventuality once a production environment is live.
Now, through Oracle’s method of autonomoius database management, that type of function is auto-scaled.
Colgan points to Oracle’s approach, which aims to enable businesses to safely run a complex mixture of high-performance transactions, reporting and batch processing using autonomous controls.
Oracle’s autonomous database vision provides most of these functions automatically.
The ModelBot2 end-to-end framework for constructing and maintaining prediction models using machine learning in self-driving DBMSs is presented and its own capability to predict its performance for OLTP and OLAP workloads running in dynamic environments is measured.

  • The
  • One concern that customers have expressed to Wikibon is the presenting of different cloud strategies by different Oracle sales teams.
  • For many years, among the big problems customers had is, the query optimizer would pick the wrong method of executing a query because it didn’t have up-to-date statistics on which the data looks like in a database.

Both opponents would thus say we need an ethics for the “small” issues that occur with actual AI and robotics (sections 2.1 through 2.9 above), and that there surely is less dependence on the “big ethics” of existential risk from AI (section 2.10).
If one takes machine ethics to concern moral agents, in some substantial sense, then these agents could be called “artificial moral agents”, having rights and responsibilities.
However, the discussion about artificial entities challenges numerous common notions in ethics and it can be very beneficial to understand these in abstraction from the human case (cf. Misselhorn 2020; Powers and Ganascia forthcoming).
Finally, you can find concerns that have often accompanied matters of sex, namely consent , aesthetic concerns, and the worry that humans may be “corrupted” by certain experiences.

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