Com olho: Cloud-based machine learning (ML) as a service platform.

Stack Up (⭐2.4k) – BUILD UP, a brilliant simple deployment tool – just Unix – think about it like ‘make’ for a network of servers.
Gebug (⭐614) – A tool which makes debugging of Dockerized Go applications super easy by enabling Debugger and Hot-Reload features, seamlessly.
Docker – Open platform for distributed applications for developers and sysadmins.
S5cmd (⭐1.4k) – Blazing fast S3 and local filesystem execution tool.
Docker-go-mingw (⭐33) – Docker image for building Go binaries for Windows with MinGW toolchain.
Go-language-server (⭐32) – A wrapper to turn the VSCode go extension right into a language server supporting the language-server-protocol.

  • VSS has full VSP integration with enterprise support running on prem or in the cloud.
  • Provide software solution with this platform to help commercial fleet owners optimize their mobility service.
  • Snitch – Simple solution to notify your team and several tools when someone has deployed any application
  • Quic-go (⭐7.6k) – An implementation of the QUIC protocol in pure Go.
  • data.

A creative tech company that focuses on delivering augmented reality solutions.
Online platform that provides innovative products, solutions and resources to members of the HIPHOP industry/community.
Lore IO’s software platform accelerates the onboarding, reconciliation and reshaping of critical business data.
SuperSmart is artificial intelligence research & development company based in Europe, Poland. is really a lifestyle hospitality platform that celebrates exemplary customer service and recognizes front line employees as the moguls who are the new media.
It’s products and experiences include hotels, home sharing, restaurants, co-working, fitness along with other hospitality driven businesses.

Global Coding Research, Ltd

Alien (⭐123) – Lightweight and fast http router from outer space.
Formjson (⭐38) – Transparently handle JSON input as a standard form POST.

Westhawk’s SNMP – An open-sourced Java library that can be used for SNMP v1/v2c/v3.
AGENT++ – The AGENT++ C++ framework provides a complete tri-lingual SNMP v1/2c/3 protocol engine and dispatcher for the development of SNMP agents.
How To Deploy a chance Web Application with Docker – Learn how to use Docker for Go development and developing production Docker images.
GopherSnippets – Code snippets with tests and testable examples for the Go program writing language.
Build web application with Golang (⭐41k) – Golang ebook intro how to build a web app with golang.

Sshman (⭐40) – SSH Manager for authorized_keys files on multiple remote servers.
Hostctl (⭐825) – A CLI tool to manage /etc/hosts with easy commands.
Golog (⭐59) – Easy and lightweight CLI tool to time track your tasks.
Go-health (⭐92) – Health package simplifies how you add health check to your services.
Mixpanel (⭐51) – Mixpanel is really a library for tracking events and sending Mixpanel profile updates to Mixpanel from your go applications.
Go-sqlmock (⭐4.9k) – Mock SQL driver for testing database interactions.
Embedded-postgres (⭐479) – Run a genuine Postgres database locally

  • Kcli (⭐188) – Command line tool for inspecting kafka topics/partitions/messages.
  • Go-json-rest (⭐3.5k) – Quick and easy solution to setup a RESTful JSON API.
  • Simple-jwt-provider (⭐30) – Simple and lightweight provider which
  • MongoDB may be the leading modern, general purpose database platform, made to unleash the energy of software and data for developers and the applications they build.

Growcode is the first all-in-one solution for hands-free ecommerce conversion rate optimization.
Autonomous driving technology for commercial and industrial vehicles.
B2B tech company developing a world-class platform for aerial delivery of industrial cargo.

Inspector Cloud

Explore Go Libraries & Projects – Discover & find a curated list of popular & new Go libraries, top authors, trending project kits, discussions, tutorials & learning resources on kandi.
It supports code completion, code inspection and 100% Go compatibility.

We were impressed by Intenseye’s ability to identify wide ranges of workers’ behaviors.
And we also value highly its user-friendly dashboard where we configure and check our particular unsafe behaviors.
Intenseye team’s collaborative support for putting new detection models in place is also notable.

Facebook (⭐1.1k) – Go Library that supports the Facebook Graph API.
Brewerydb (⭐19) – Go library for accessing the BreweryDB API.
Playwright-go (⭐1.1k) – browser automation library to regulate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with an individual API.
Timex (⭐65) – A test-friendly alternative to the native time package.
Httpexpect (⭐2k) – Concise, declarative, and simple to use end-to-end HTTP and REST API testing.
Hamcrest (⭐28) – fluent framework for declarative Matcher objects that, when put on input values, produce self-describing results.
Gocheck – More complex testing framework alternative to gotest.

Llb (⭐13) – It is a very simple but quick backend for proxy servers.
Gotcp (⭐503) – Go package for quickly writing tcp applications.
Goshark (⭐15) – Package goshark use tshark to decode IP packet and create data struct to analyse packet.
GNxI (⭐226) – A collection of

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