Damnation: Traditionally defined as being condemned to hell for all eternity.

hope of restoration or resurrection.
This study concludes that the doctrine of eternal torture is really a sadistic teaching foreign to the Bible.
It was birthed from the satanic lie, is founded on a pagan view of human nature—that people possess immortality aside from Christ—and is perpetuated by sectarian allegiance to religious tradition instead of biblical truth.
This is a stain on Christianity and a blasphemy to the just, merciful name of the LORD.
The ensuing sections are devoted to honestly examining these passages.
Ironically, a close examination of these texts actually provides further support for literal everlasting destruction.

  • In this situation, The Eternal Punishment is suffered by disobedient angels in “fire” that is “eternal” (“aonios”).
  • Most Christians think that damnation occurs immediately upon death , others that it occurs after Judgment Day.
  • Consequently, he may display or withhold exercising his omnipotence based on his moral attributes, but his moral nature of perfect holiness, righteousness, and love is always perfectly present.
  • And so He could be still sovereign while we have been truly responsible for our sins.
  • clear picture of “every evildoer” being utterly destroyed by raging, consuming fire.
  • However both calvinist and non-calvinist believe that God can redeem evil action either by redeeming the person through the blood of Christ or using the situation for his glory by bring about various other good.

Christ says that in the same way weeds are burned in the fire in his story, so that it will undoubtedly be with ungodly people—God’s enemies—at the end of this age on Judgment Day.
They perish because they refuse to love the truth and be saved.
But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you’re storing up wrath against yourself for your day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed.
It’s one thing to argue over true speculations (like When will Jesus come back? What’s heaven like? What does God look like? Etc.)… but it’s another to argue over things the Bible clearly reveals but that people distort/misrepresent.
3) The only real reason individuals of Israel were thinking “We didn’t know which solution to turn.’ What can the Lord have already been thinking about?
” – is because Calvin’s god knowingly and willingly decreed those thoughts to come quickly to pass within the brains of individuals of Israel.
2) The only impulses which can happen within the brain of Moses and the brains of the people of Israel – are impulses which Calvin’s god has knowingly and willingly decreed.

That is fitting since maggots exclusively devour dead flesh, not living creatures.
And, it ought to be added, maggots don’t die, they pupate and morph into flies.
This is exactly what God could have had to accomplish to us on Judgment Day if Jesus hadn’t suffered and died inside our place.

The Cry From Memphis: How Long, O Lord?

Rubbish was thrown into Gehenna for the intended purpose of disposal and eradication and, therefore, the infamous ravine was a fitting figure for the next death.
We know for several that Christ is not referring to the initial death in verse 50 because even people who partake of the bread of heaven—that is, accept Christ as Lord—will one day die.
No, Jesus is discussing another death—the second death.
We’ve viewed some pretty clear biblical texts plainly stating that unrepentant sinners will ultimately perish and be destroyed.
Let’s now dig just a little deeper and trace these words to the original language in which these were written.
One might contend that it’s heretical to even question such a long-standing, widely-accepted teaching, but if this doctrine is actually scriptural then its proponents haven’t any need to worry.
Furthermore, all doctrines, no matter how traditional or popular, should be questioned in light of what the Bible clearly teaches; for it’s the God-breathed Scriptures alone that people must look to for truth, not popularity or religious tradition.

5) In Calvinism – the promises to the believer within scripture – are classified as the ENUNCIATED will of god – which oftentimes may be the direct opposite of the SECRET will of god.
So the underlying Type of the arguments we find in Calvinist writings today – are basically John Calvin’s argument re-worded – using current day vernacular.
However, to say that Precisely what I say is really a lie, is also a lie, and therefore also a sin.
However – the scripture does reveal that God is no respecter of persons.

They were used as identity markers to represent either a person, religious or political party.
Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb had engraved the Roman seal yet it was broken.
The soldier in charge of guarding the tomb were executed by capital punishment because they failed to preserve the seal which was representative of the Roman Empire.
Likewise, the “sealing of the Holy Spirit”, understood in its proper cultural milieu, serves being an identity marker for Christians.
As stated, in all things unrelated to ES, Heather champions LFW.
So any arguments she deploys are meaningless due to ES.

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In Biblical theology, Christ may be the elect One, and we have been chosen IN HIM.
We should thus consider both god’s SECRET election and his INNER call.
Now the CHAFF are believers who are infallibly decreed to trust they are saved.
So when Calvinists use the phrase “Permissive Will of god” or “Permissive Decree” they’re using equivolca language which is misleading.
So in Calvinism – “MERE Permission” and “BARE Permission” when it comes to Calvin’s god are totally rejected.
In TRUE Calvinism – conceptions of Calvin’s god letting something pass, letting something go, letting something loose, or handing over something, is merely anathema.
We need to be careful to understand that we now have two definitions for “Permission” within Calvinism.

It’s not the Bible’s fault and it’s not my fault for not accepting it; it’s the Calvinist’s fault for reinterpreting the Bible in unbiblical, Calvinist ways.
And (in the event it’s not yet determined), my questions are designed for a Calvinist to answer, not a non-Calvinist.
As in “How can you answer these if Calvinism holds true?
” Therefore when I ask if you would praise God that He leaves most people within their sins (because it’s equally glorifying to Calvinism’s god), After all “assuming Calvinism holds true and God predestines people to hell.” But I really do not believe He does.
The best way I could explain it really is in the same terms because the doctrine of the Trinity and the Hypistatic Union of Christ, both historical Christian doctrines that interest mystery concerning how they’re humanly possible.
How is it that God has eternally existed as one being and three persons?

  • Furthermore, the Hebrew generally is, “heart” rather than “mind.” It is coping with the intention of God.
  • There is not a single scripture that indicates that these people are eternally damned.
  • It’s exactly the same principle with the second death when God casts the damned into the lake of fire; the difference being that the time of suffering will undoubtedly be meted out to each individual according to their amount of sinful guilt as divine justice dictates.
  • Condemned and condemnation usually refer to temporal punishment unless the scriptural text is speaking specifically of the last day and eternal punishment.
  • the correct impression of disposal and eradication rather than that of never-ending fiery torture in a devil-ruled nether realm.

Personally, I’m more convinced of God’s free will over my free will.
In non-calvinist thinking, we only go as far as seeing this evil action as a way to deciding if God is a superb God or not for determining that that could happen.
However, a calvinist get’s to go forward and consider the possibility that God determined that to happen to bring about not merely forgiveness in the heart of the girl, but salvation for the rapist should he believe in Christ.
Calvinists think that if God chose you to be one of the elect and gives you the Holy Spirit to cause you to be saved he then could keep you in the faith all the way to the end.
I really believe that God promises he gives the Spirit to anyone who willingly chooses to trust in Jesus, and that

Eternal Torment In Hell: The Silent Subject Of The Church

And that Calvinist will praise his god for exercising his absolute, unlimited, total sovereignty over every human act.
Calvin’s god divinely deceives them with a FALSE SENSE of salvation/election.
There is no such thing being an impulse coming to pass within a Calvinists brain – that is not AUTHORED by Calvin’s god – who -quote “knowingly and willingly decrees” them.
There are believers in every parts of the planet today that are being massacred for his or her faith. [newline]If one talks about Christian history – one will quickly realize that each conceivable evil that could be perpetrated on the body was already perpetrated on Christians.
The Calvinist has a love-hate relationship with the doctrine of decrees.
So that that is NOT Due to infallible decree – is simply NOT permitted to happen.

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