
Dereci et al. published a case of anterior Stafne’s Bone Defect with intraoral exposure.
For diagnosis confirmation, we have used Cone Beam Volumetric Computed Tomography with Sirona Orthophos XG3D equipment, operating at 70 KV, 10 MA and 14.2s of exposure time for image acquisition.
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Similarly, you could be able to bet AA for value in a reraised pot when the board is 34566, but not once the board is 9TJQQ.

You can consider check-raising as a semi-bluff.
If your opponent will always cbet, but won’t call without an ace, you then should show a clear profit against a player aggressive enough to raise on the button with a variety.
More often than not, the button will not have an ace, and sometime the button will call, but you’ll hit your gutshot or something like running 7s.
The gutshot offers you a signficant discount on the bluff, since you will probably win a huge pot in the event that you hit a straight against a hand strong enough to call a check-raise.

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In reality, cbetting is better than you are assuming, since you may win even after you obtain called.
More importantly, the alternative to a cbet is not folding, it really is checking, and you aren’t dead when you check.
You may have a live draw, such as for example to some.

  • In the 3D reconstruction, there is a radiolucent image in the posterior region of the mandible, on the left side , and the Tangential cross-section allowed us to verify the circumscribed lesion, well outlined by hyper dense halo, measuring 13.15mm as in .
  • You might have a live draw, such as for example to a pair.

Minraising your cbets may be

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Stafne’sBone Defect can be an asymptomatic bone lesion, most typical in men between the fifth and seventh decade of life.
It is often diagnosed in routine radiographs (1-3).
There are two variations of Stafne’sDefect, a posterior and anterior variants.
The posterior variation is more commonly known and appears as radiolucent, delimited and well-defined image in the posterior region of the mandible, between your first molar and the angle of the mandible, below the mandibular canal .
The anterior variant is 7 times less frequent compared to the posterior, and usually situated in the region between the incisors and premolars, above the insertion of the mylohyoid muscle .

  • get an even better bluffing opportunity if your opponent checks to you on the turn, which shows lots of weakness.
  • You can find two variations of Stafne’sDefect, a posterior and anterior variants.
  • In the event that you cbet less on bad flops, you will get raised less.

should affect your evaluation of hands preflop.

So, watch for other players who cbet an excessive amount of, and who fold very often when they get raised.
For example, suppose the button open raises, you defend the big blind with 76s, and the flop is A95r.

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