Devil’s backbone: Household plant also known as the red bird flower. The name refers to its ridged stem, which culminates in colored points at the top.

The sip of water, too, from the lake he never failed to take.
Nowadays the song of the toad—tr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r—is heard in the land.

We saw more of our country neighbors now than whenever we lived on the farm.
We had a big barn where the farmers could set up their teams, and their women-folk more regularly accompanied them, given that they could stay with us for dinner, and rest and set their bonnets before they went shopping.

American Robins Of Summer: Their Hidden Lives And Loves, And Letting Go

The more the house was such as a country hotel, the better I liked it.
I was glad, when I came home from school at noon, to visit a farm wagon standing in the back yard, and I was always prepared to run downtown to obtain beefsteak or baker’s bread for unexpected company.
Through that first spring and summer I kept hoping that Ambrosch would bring Ántonia and Yulka to see our new house.

“It’s a good way to allow them to practice real-life applications of what they learn in the classroom,” said Elser, who volunteers her time for this program.
The school provides transportation and computers, but the team raises money to get the Lego robotics kits.
The Lockwood school district is paying nearly 10% of its high school student body to help teachers and staff on campus.

Common Stramonium

Often known as ocean sunfish, mola mola will be the heaviest bony fish in the ocean.
These ocean giants roam the seas searching for a common food, jellyfish.
This one was spotted impersonating a shark in NOAA’s Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary.

  • The stove was very large, with bright nickel trimmings, and behind it there is an extended wooden bench contrary to the wall, and a tin washtub, into which grandmother poured hot and cool water.
  • Then your second crow
  • With the addition of spots of various hue, they are rendered still less conspicuous.
  • It is also a good plan to take note of the date and place of collection of all plants, since it is frequently of great interest to know these facts at some future time.
  • The stems are so infinitesimally small and of so dark a green, that at a brief distance they don’t show, and the cloud of blossoms seems floating in the air; sometimes it appears like a golden dust.

The guide threw down a lighted torch, and it fell and fell, till I had to crane my neck far out to see it finally reach the bottom.
A few of these pits are simply appalling, and where in fact the way is narrow have been covered over to prevent accidents.
The Kentuckians have an unhandsome way of treating their forests when they want to get gone them; they girdle the trees and let them die, instead of cutting them down simultaneously.
A girdled tree dies hard; the struggle is painful to look upon; inch by inch, leaf by leaf, it yields, and the agony is protracted nearly through the whole season.

thanked God she lived next the Harlings.
That they had been farming people, like ourselves, and their place was such as a little farm, with a large barn and a garden, and an orchard and grazing lots, — even a windmill.
The Harlings were Norwegians, and Mrs. Harling had lived in Christiana until she was ten years old.
He was a grain merchant and cattle buyer, and was generally considered probably the most enterprising business man in our county.
He controlled a type of grain elevators in the little towns along the railroad to the west folks, and was away from home a great deal.

Pacific Northwest Native Plant Profile: Erysimum Capitatum (western Wallflower)

A lady told me a woodpecker drilled holes in the boards that form the eaves of her house, for the grubs of the carpenter bumblebee.
This also appeared to me a hasty conclusion, as the woodpeckers made holes so large that another season the bluebirds nested there.
The woodpeckers were probably drilling for a place to nest.
Later in the day I examined the supposed hair with my pocket glass, and found it had been not hair, however, many vegetable fibre.
My next conclusion was that the birds had not been molested, but that they were furnishing their apartment, and some of the material had stuck to the entranceway jambs.

He is a Hadji, and was dressed in a turban manufactured from many yards of priceless silk muslin, embroidered in silk, a white baju, and a long white sarong, and full white trousers–a beautiful dress for an Oriental.
I wish these people would not adopt our salutations, their very own are a lot more appropriate with their character.
There is an daily shower here, in fact it is lovely now, with a balmy freshness in the air.
No one could suppose we are in the torrid zone, and only 3° from the equator.
The mercury has not been above 83° since I came, and the sea and land breezes are exquisitely

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