
OE demonstrates a universal interpretation is not per se excluded for bare indeterminates.
Example specifically is indicative of a usage of the ge-series as NPIs (as discussed in Sect.2).

A court which has jurisdiction over maritime questions regarding ocean transport, including contracts, charters, collisions, and cargo damages.
This is the Latin term meaning ‘according to value.’ Import duty applied as a percentage of the cargo’s dutiable value.

To provide the reader a preview of my final stance on these interpretations, I provide the table in (39′) with the five question marks resolved.
The theoretical discussion in Sect.3 will lead us to the interpretation of the ‘raw’ data that (39′) summarises.
That is, I am going to argue that OE indeterminate pronouns do have an analysis as FCI, and that the ge-series but not the bare series comes with an analysis as NPI.
I also assume that the unattested uses are actually unavailable.
In contrast to the ge-series, existential readings aren’t attested for the a-series (see e.g. Kahlas-Tarkka, Bosworth and Toller), and my search have not found any such examples either.
The rest of the interpretations to be investigated for a-ge-indeterminate pronouns and ælc, therefore, are potential NPI and FCI interpretations.

Cargo Bays

An unconditional written order addressed by one individual to some other and signed by the person placing it.
It requires the individual, to whom it really is addressed, to cover on demand or at a set or determinable future time, a certain amount of cash to the order of a specified person or to bearer.
The drawee isn’t liable on it until he’s got accepted it.
Shipped under an interest rate that does not are the cost of loading or unloading.

In the examples, I reproduce the spelling from the foundation text.
Next, we look at the way the morphologically derived types of the indeterminate pronouns match the picture.
To complete the picture, we turn to the analysis of possible uses of OE indeterminate pronouns as polarity items.
The context in the Boethius text is one in which no particular waters or rivers are relevant.
Rather, the example occurs in a list with further statements to the result that men know to look for precious stones in the sand, also to search for game in the woods and hills.
Allen includes list contexts among the environments which favour this sort of fronting.
Parallel to the stage made concerning the ge-series, I argue that analysis is to be preferred over an analysis according to which is the one counterexample to the generalization that a-series pronouns aren’t interrogative.

  • The shipper must have made a booking with the shipping line before the container is permitted to enter the region.
  • A global trade term used to describe a deal in which a seller agrees to cover all costs and suffer any potential losses of moving goods sold to a specific location.
  • A program providing for free/ reduced rates of duty for merchandise from beneficiary developing independent countries and territories to encourage their growth.
  • This predicts that alternative evaluating operators for OE a-(ge-) indeterminate phrases include ALL, EXH and probably All-Alt, but not EXIST or Q.

Thcir cxit bcyond thc limit of uscfulncss, so thcy arc dcstructibk.
Within an act is thc sum of thc power ol God and thc powcr of man.

Authorized Economic Operator

In group C the results shows the bigger red blood cells counted than treated and control group A respectively.
Two hundred day-old Ross chicks were purchased from a commercial distributor hatchery of Hyderabad.
After initial weight the chicks were first brooded together on deep litter system for one week.
Chicken were arbitrarily separated in four was offered 0 g/kg group A , 0.05 g/kg , 0.075 g/kg and 0.25 g/kg phytase enzyme provided in broiler feed.
Each group were consisted of 50 birds they are presented .
Phytase enzyme which are produced commercially for utilization and improve nutrient digestibility put into poultry feeds.
In lots of others scientist and scholar’s research centered on the testing

In yachts, they allow the usage of a drying mooring, the boat standing upright on the keels when the tide is out.
This can be a regular scheduled steamship line with regular published schedules to and from defined trade areas.

  • In rail it is the process of sorting components of rolling stock into complete train sets or consists, or the reverse.
  • This necessitates a series of changes in the grammar that today’s paper has begun to explore.
  • Also, Bosworth and Toller and Kahlas-Tarkka, for instance, present a lot of examples, though they are not glossed and often there is absolutely no translation.
  • CLIENT SATISFACTION Surveys performed through the entire years to

In others, this is a warehouse in which customs inspect cargo ahead of authorising export clearance.
In some countries, some manufacturers may also be granted a licence to operate a bonded warehouse where they can store manufactured products in anticipation of export and therefore suspend payment of local taxes (e.g. on cigarettes).
Goods stored under Customs bond until the import duties are paid or the goods are re-exported.
Customs bond is really a guarantee from the company to a government that the importer will faithfully follow all laws and regulations governing the importation of merchandise in to the country.
Stowing cargo destined for a specific location close together to avoid unnecessary movement.
The bilge is the compartment at the bottom of the hull of a ship or boat where water

Baltic And International Maritime Council

Ership of one of tlie ihree leadlng peraons, Abu l)akr, c Ali and c Ahbas.
Among me.n 7 and would bc biisy in ihe scmcc of his masttr.
To rcmovc this cxcusc, bcncvolcncc would also bc ncccssaw.
Riiflfened concerning the obligation to appoint an Tmarn.
Ircritine] Lhe two slatcmcnts of thc Kormula nf Gnnlcs&ion..

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