Kanazawa Ward: Administrative district of Yokohama, a large Japanese city. It is home to the Yokohama Marina, the largest marina in Japan.

In fiscal year 2008, it became the initial non-issuing organization of the Common Tax System in 47 years since fiscal year 1961, and was successful.
The international convention was also actively invited to host the Japan APEC in 2010 2010.
On the other hand, the cover the construction of city planning roads has been reduced, and the speed of the project has declined.
Industrial heritage in Japan 143 Works) was constructed in Yahata Village and started to operate in 1901.
Yahata Steel Works is seen as among ‘active industrial heritage sites with the original use’ as the steel works are still used by Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Japan’s largest iron and steel manufacturing company.
This mega structure altered the villagescape of Yahata and became the key employer of the local area.
Yahata Steel Works has

three meals a day; in the cities rice became the standard food, and a rich selection of cakes and sweets were consumed by urban dwellers.
Despite the popularity of the new theatrical forms, traditional arts of nō drama, the tea ceremony, and flower arrangement also reached new stages of development in the time.
The tea ceremony (cha-no-yu) in particular became popular and was practiced not merely by the shogun and daimyo but additionally by the newly risen merchants, who used their wealth to become eager collectors of famous antique tea-ceremony utensils.
Because the tea ceremony became popular, many schools emerged, especially the Sen-ke , the school of Sen Rikyū.
The art of the tea ceremony came to be monopolized by the home heads of the many schools, fostering the development of the “profession” of tea master.

Subsequently, this would result in the identification and realisation of a best balance between the conservation of cultural heritage and the development of tourism.
In so doing, Japan’s cultural heritage and tourism will be able to build and foster truly mutually beneficial relationships.
124 Living cultures of Japan supply and demand sides of tourism may actually have started paying more focus on Uchinanchu cultural heritage and its potential as tourism resources than before since 2000.
For example, Gusuku Sites and Related Properties of the Kingdom of Ryukyu was inscribed as a cultural WHS in 2000 (see Section 6.3.1).

Implicating Effector Genes At Covid-19 Gwas Loci Using Promoter-focused Capture-c In Disease-relevant Immune Cell Types

Their anxieties mounted after the Japan Communist Party was organized in 1922, and fascination with Marxism expanded in intellectual circles.
Under the Meiji constitution, party cabinets had to create peace with the military, the home of Peers, and the conservatives close to the throne.
The Diet often found itself virtually powerless, which resulted in disorder and corruption that did little to win popular support for representative government.

  • berth at the port, and luxurious passenger ships also came to call the port.
  • Such foods and drinks have a long-term relationship with Japanese people and will also be observed as cultural heritage of Japan .
  • These two causes alone account for over fifty percent of the country’s annual death total.
  • These listings resulted in the inscription of Omori and Yunotsu as Important Preservation Districts for Groups of Traditional Buildings in 1987 and 2004 respectively.
  • Other, generally noncompetitive, martial

If swords proved of little use against Western guns, they exacted a heavy toll from political enemies.
The spread of literacy and a nationwide culture could not mask contradictions in the political sphere.
There have been signs of stagnation and corruption in some aspects of Edo culture—a reflection of the crisis in the bakuhan system.
An excellent famine then, the result of abnormal weather conditions and resultant crop failures, lasted many years and dealt a savage blow to the impoverished villages.
Both peasant uprisings and city riots over food shortages and intolerable living conditions reached unprecedented peaks.
In 1836, to cite one extreme example, an uprising in Gunnai district of Kai province , then under direct bakufu control, eventually attracted more than 50,000 participants and for a time reduced the centre of Kai to anarchy.

Urban Transport Compilation

More characteristic was his effort to improve tax yields by opening new lands to cultivation and revising the method of taxation.
His attempt to control the falling price of rice earned him the name of “the rice shogun.” But when the cost of rice rose sharply in an excellent famine in the 1730s, the normal folks of Edo attacked the wholesale rice dealers who had cornered the market.
He successfully revalued and standardized the currency and in addition brought regulation into the chaotic and disruptive world of Edo’s money changers.

  • few war plants, reparations were largely limited to those exercised between Japan and its own Asian victims after the Treaty of Peace with Japan was signed in 1951.
  • Korean (see Figure 2.2).
  • Now the nationwide farming populace (hyakushō) of independent landowners, although at the mercy of heavy taxes and various kinds of labour services, sought the methods to enjoy a better standard of living.

mid-14th century.
In the time of the shogun Yoshimasa, Murata Shukō, a man of merchant background from Nara, began the wabi-cha type of tea ceremony by combining the cha-no-yu of the civil aristocracy and the cha-yoriai of the normal people.
This new form spread on the list of warriors and great merchants and was further stylized by the Sakai merchant Takeno Jōō.
The development of the tea ceremony stimulated new forms in tearoom architecture, flower arrangement, pottery, and even japan cakes served with tea.
The Higashiyama cultural tradition was further diffused among the common people, and as the degrees of wealth and education of urban merchants and artisans rose, they, too, came to enjoy nō and kyōgen dramas, the tea ceremony, and renga.
Fairy tales were also widely enjoyed, being readable, and included stories that were related among the people since ancient times.

The seismic arrays also detected epicenters of harmonic and monotonic tremors took place at an active fumarolic field in the north earthen part of Iwojima.
The apparent velocity of seismic waves (~1km/s) strongly suggests that the tremors relate with hydrothermal activity near ground surface.
Utilizing a newly developed SPM sampler and NO2 filter badge, continuous 4 day measurements were conducted in 2 hundred residential homes for a month. [newline]NO2 was measured in the living room, kitchen and beyond each home, while SPM was monitored in the family room.

Great Kantō Earthquake And The Second World War (1923–

The army was reduced in size, moderate social legislation was enacted, and universal manhood suffrage extended the franchise for some 14 million voters.
Meanwhile, Japan avoided stronger involvement in the civil war in China and pursued a conciliatory course with the Soviet Union, despite demands from nationalists, who utilized alleged outrages in China and the discriminatory U.S.
Immigration Act of 1924 to warn of the futility of cooperating with Western countries.
Village leaders, who had benefited from the commercialization of agriculture in the late Tokugawa period, wanted a more participatory system which could reflect their emerging bourgeois interests.
Former samurai realized that a parliamentary system might permit them to recoup their lost positions.
Samurai interest was sparked by a split in the government’s inner circle over a proposed Korean invasion in 1873.

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