Non-binary: The term used to describe a person or person who does not conform to a single gender.

A female whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward folks of exactly the same gender.
The sex assigned to a kid at birth, most often in line with the child’s external anatomy.
It can take some time to adjust to seeing someone you know well transitioning.
Having someone in your area transition will be an adjustment and may be challenging, specifically for partners, parents, and children.
Keep carefully the lines of communication open with the transgender person that you experienced.
No glossary could encompass the range of identities and terms which are used within LGBTQIA+ communities.

Often called “ace” for short, asexual refers to a complete or partial insufficient sexual attraction or insufficient interest in sexual activity with others.

One’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a mixture of both or neither – how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves.
Due to the expansive nature of gender identities beyond the binary, anyone of any sexuality can be drawn to a nonbinary person.
A heterosexual woman could be drawn to a nonbinary person while affirming both her sexuality and her partner’s gender.

A term often used by the medical community to describe individuals who dress, behave, or go to town in a manner that does not conform to dominant gender norms.
People beyond your medical community tend to avoid this term because it suggests that these identities are abnormal, preferring terms such as for example gender expansive.
Used to describe someone who experiences sexual attraction only after forming an emotional connection.
Animosity, hatred, or dislike of bisexual people which might manifest by means of prejudice or bias.

Always listen for and respect a person’s self identified terminology.
Individuals who challenge binary social constructions of gender often self-identify as genderqueer.

A person emotionally, romantically or sexually drawn to more than one sex, gender or gender identity though definitely not simultaneously, just as or to exactly the same degree.
As part of their gender affirmation, some nonbinary people may pursue body modification through surgical procedures, hormone therapy, or both.
Genderqueer – A person who identifies as neither, both, or perhaps a combination of male and female genders.
Usually in mention of the socially constructed gender binary of man/woman and sex binary of male/female.
An identity label sometimes claimed by man-identified people who form their primary romantic and sexual relationships with other man-identified people.
An identity label sometimes claimed by those people who are sexually attracted to two sexes or genders, not necessarily equally or simultaneously.
A term that describes people born with differences in their sex traits and/or reproductive anatomy (e.g., genitalia, hormones, internal anatomy, chromosomes) resulting in bodies that do unfit what society typically defines as “male” or “female”.

Something in which gender is constructed into two strict categories of male or female.
Gender identity is expected

A person with a number of transgender or nonbinary parent or caregiver.
Neopronouns are pronouns created to be specifically gender neutral, including xe/xem, ze/zir, and fae/faer.
Pronouns are sometimes called Personal Gender Pronouns, or PGPs.
For those who use pronouns–and not absolutely all people do–they aren’t preferred, they’re essential.
Examples of monosexual groups include gay men, lesbians, and straight people.
A scale developed in the 1940s by Alfred Kinsey which places an individual’s sexual orientation on a spectrum from 0 to 6 .
The scale included the measurement “X” which indicated an absence of sexual behavior.

There is no one way to transition–the word means something to every individual.
The validity of an individual’s gender identity does not depend on any social, legal, and/or medical transition; the self-identification itself is what validates the gender identity.
Many individuals choose never to or cannot transition for a wide range of reasons both within and beyond their control.
An identity label used to spell it out an individual whose gender identity does not align with the socially expected one according to their sex assigned at birth.
Often used as an umbrella term to include people who transgress gender norms, including cross dressers, genderqueer people, trans women, trans men, bigender or polygender people, etc.
Non-binary and genderqueer are umbrella terms for gender identities that aren’t solely male or female‍—‌identities which are outside the gender binary.
Non-binary identities are categorized as the transgender umbrella, since non-binary people typically identify with a gender that’s not the same as their assigned sex, though some non-binary people do not consider themselves transgender.

  • Pre-Op means that one has not had gender-affirming surgery and may or may not plan to.
  • One promising project may be the PRIDE Study, the initial national, long-term health study of sexual and gender minorities in america (
  • It is not helpful to force the child to do something in a more gender-conforming way.
  • Genderqueer people typically reject notions of static categories of gender and embrace a fluidity of gender identity and frequently, though not necessarily, sexual orientation.

Sex isn’t binary, and there exist many possibilities beyond XX and XY chromosomes.
An individual, often—but not always—a lesbian or queer-identified woman, that identifies strongly with “masculinity.” Has been used historically in a derogatory manner.
The cultural, institutional and individual beliefs and practices that assume heterosexuality is the only natural, normal and acceptable sexual orientation.
Belief that LGBQ identities are inferior compared to, or less authentic than, heterosexual identities.
Being perceived by others as the gender you are looking to present as.
Usually used to describe if a trans person has the capacity to live convincingly and publicly as the gender they identify as.

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