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I think you might be able to swap out the stock RX with your personal but I’ve the pnp version that didn’t come with an RX or transmitter.

  • That’s why in post #136 I said you have to order 3.17mm collet to go with it.
  • I think I will have to live with the toy transmitter.
  • The Postal Service must have sent them by dogsled.
  • The people I ordered don’t use the nose cone

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Using APC 8×4 blades, my average efficiency measured by iNav was 110mah/km with 3S batteries and with 2S batteries.
I finally received AeronautCam 8×5 blades for my Razor…
The Postal Service must have sent them by dogsled.
ANYWAY, at first glance, they appear noticeably better compared to the APC 8×4 blades I have been using.

Accumulated HF/E insights provide systematic ways in which to address and ameliorate the combined forces of physical and cognitive stress on medical personnel constrained to utilize varying forms of PPE.
Do you have a web link to a collet that works?
The ones I ordered don’t work with the nose cone on the spinner.

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Uncertain, but I had a previous problem where in fact the MCI 40mm spinner didn’t fit the Razor motor.
The supplied collets were for bigger shafts, and the collet from the 30mm spinner was too short to simply accept the screw that holds the nose cone.
I see on RCDde that the 40mm Turbo spinner has collets for 4mm and 5mm shafts.

The collets are at underneath of the page.
That’s why in post #136 I said you need to order 3.17mm collet to go along with it.
The supplied collets for my rcdude spinner were the incorrect size.

Install them manually or use deepin-polkit-install package.
To be honest, I just wanted to test the waters, deploying it at our holiday house, therefore the RTF solution is appealing.
I do have a spektrum radio, but replacing the Razor’s receiver would eliminate the GPS and Go back to Home functions wouldn’t it?
I think I will need to live with the toy transmitter.

I also ordered some emm collets from RCDude when I got the 36mm spinner, however they turned out not to have a threaded hol for the screw that holds the nose cone.
So many parts you imagine would mix and match however in reality they don’t.
A man at our flying field got the rtf.
The transmitter is small and toy quality.
After one flight he immediately installed a receiver and bound it to his normal radio.

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