Sprenger’s asparagus: Plant native to South Africa. Used for display but also considered a weed in non-native areas including parts of the USA and Australia.

Place in a location that receives indirect sunlight.
Maintain even moisture, watering prior to the soil dries out completely.
With proper care, your plants may reward you with 10 or even more years of lush growth.
And finally, while the two species may be grown from seed, it is less challenging and much more common to start out both from tuberous root cuttings instead.

Scale back judiciously in winter every couple of years to keep up shape and form.
This robust elephant ear bears strongly ribbed upright foliage highlighted by coppery-purple backsides.
You can easily grow in the garden and will grow to 8′ if given a lot of water and fertilizer.
Bring inside to a bright window in winter or mulch perfectly and cross your fingers.
Bright green foliage and small heads of yellow flowers get this to an excellent addition to your perennial garden.
This lovely little agave can be an absolute showstopper with a white colored margin along each one of the stiff (and non-spiny!) leaves.
Plant in a protected spot or even better grow it as a forgiving container plant.

As a landscape architect in NORTH PARK, I visit many homes.
I’ve found it sprouting amid shrubs, hedges and throughout gardens where it had been never planted.
More than half the 400 homes I visited last year have an invasion.
I believe birds eat the seeds, spreading the plants to the biggest market of shrubs where birds perch.

Carrot Fern

This variety is lower growing than most.
This ivy-fatsia combination is really a perfect intermediate between the two with leaves similar to both, and a habit which can’t decide if this can be a shrub or vine.
This particular selection has small variegated leaves which twist and curl.
An architectural succulent plant from Madagascar that consists of a skinny central trunk with skinny arm-like branches.
This plant has no cold hardiness therefore for all of us in Raleigh this can be a potted houseplant in the winter and a patio plant in the summer.

Enjoy the intoxicating fragrance of pristine white flowers in late winter.
Year-round golden foliage and compact growth is perfect for making exciting combinations.
This mid-sized shrub could be clipped into any shape or allowed to grow naturally.
Cut to the ground if it gets too big.
This selection has never flowered or fruited so it is not invasive like some others.

Red Yucca

This form of the false arborvitae displays branch tips speckled creamy white, which on well-grown specimens, gives the entire plant a white cast.
Our plant grows as a shrub, but in cooler climates, may be tree-statured to about 15′.
Naturally dense mounding habit needs no staking.
Covered in dark purple flowers in early fall.
Very showy and a superb pollinator plant.
Just about the most beautiful winter flowering shrubs; blooming in late winter when little else

  • scapes that terminate in clusters of 12 to 16 rounded, flat-faced, nocturnally opening buttery yellow, fragrant flowers.”
  • A fresh addition to either the sunny or shady perennial border.
  • A lovely tree from Taiwan suitable for any tough spots in the garden.
  • The relationship among the genera Coleus, Solenostemon and Plectranthus has been confused.

This collection of our native and beloved butterfly weed grows naturally on clay soils and is much better adapted for heavy clay sites than the typical form.
Flowers provide nectar for butterflies, and foliage provides food for monarch, gray hairstreak and queen butterflies.
Grow in a well-drained soil to make sure survival.
Mature plants bear 4′ flower spikes attractive to people and hummingbirds.

The leaves are evergreen and appearance like soft pine needles.
Don’t be fooled by the plush and delicate aesthetic though.
These plants are tough and dominating.
Yellowish flowers appear at the base of the plant in late summer.

A dwarf peach (to 4′) with a nearly shocking display of carmine red flowers in spring.
Additionally it is a striking foliage plant and its heavily budded coarse branches are of winter interest.
It comes true from seed; Zone 6 at least.
The fruit aren’t table quality; sun.

More energetic than other sweet boxes, at the JCRA, it has prospered with protection from winter winds.
The compact and pretty ‘Viva’ has rose-pink blooms that flower all season, especially in heat of summer.
Soft, green, lightly fragrant leaves cover this plant throughout the season.
They are highly attractive to hummingbirds.
The compact 30″ tall x 4′ wide specimen is topped from May until frost with hundreds of spikes of silvery-white flowers. This wildfower is both heat- and drought-tolerant.

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