
Cordyceps: Fungus existing on some caterpillars in mountainous regions of China. Commonly used in lab-based supplements.

Cordyceps: Fungus existing on some caterpillars in mountainous regions of China. Commonly used in lab-based supplements.

De novo assembly generated 84,733 unigenes with mean length of 772 nt. Because of similarity of chemical structure of adenosine, cordycepin has been centered on the diverse effects of the central nervous systems , like sleep regulation. Therefore, this study was undertaken to know whether cordycepin escalates the natural sleep in rats, and its effect…

Cordyceps coffee: Cordyceps coffee is a type of coffee or beverage that is made by mixing cordyceps, a type of medicinal mushroom, with coffee or espresso.

Cordyceps coffee: Cordyceps coffee is a type of coffee or beverage that is made by mixing cordyceps, a type of medicinal mushroom, with coffee or espresso.

Drinks companies like Tia Maria have already begun release a espresso drinks like the popular martini, for example the Tia Mint Americano, which consists of Tia Maria, espresso and sugar syrup. A mushroom coffee mocha is just what I have to power during the day. For instance, reishi and cordyceps are often the closest to…