
Question answering: Computing field focused on building software that can respond to queries addressed to it in natural language. Examples include IBM’s Watson, which beat two Jeopardy champions.

Question answering: Computing field focused on building software that can respond to queries addressed to it in natural language. Examples include IBM’s Watson, which beat two Jeopardy champions.

On July 29, 2016, IBM and Manipal Hospitals introduced the release of IBM Watson for Oncology, for cancer people. This product provides information and insights to doctors and cancer patients to help them identify individualized, evidence-based cancer care alternatives. Manipal Hospitals may be the second hospital on earth to look at this technology and very…

Great question: User-experience research automation platform. Assists with interviews, surveys, and customer feedback.

Great question: User-experience research automation platform. Assists with interviews, surveys, and customer feedback.

You can schedule meetings, pay incentives and track research activity in Ethnio. The testers have to perform tasks that allow you to identify usability problems with the product and get user feedback. Qualitative research focuses on understanding the why, as in, why users behave the way they do or why they want or want a…

Share price: Cost of purchasing one share in a company. This price can fluctuate based on a number of factors, most notably the perceived future prospects of the company in question.

Share price: Cost of purchasing one share in a company. This price can fluctuate based on a number of factors, most notably the perceived future prospects of the company in question.

Innovative companies seeking to adjust to this environment have easier access to capital to realize their visions than previously. And the partnership between an organization, its employees, and society is being redefined. Any news surrounding an organization – expected or unexpected – could cause movement in its share price. In general, the best defense for…