
An Act protecting the title of pharmaceutical chemist was passed in 1852, and in 1868 another Act, requiring all future chemists and druggists to pass examinations and be registered, and restricting to them the sale of poisons, became law.
He previously no licence from the Faculty, and in his treatment of Seale had not acted beneath the direction of any physician.
He previously neither taken nor demanded any fee for his advice.
By way of a unanimous vote the Paris College of Physicians resolved in 1603 he should not be met by some of its members in consultation.

Echinacea later became known in Europe, and commercial cultivation began in 1939.
There are many medicines with pressed dry extract as tablets and dragees.
The evaluation of various studies shows that only preparations whose section has been produced with isopropanol or ethanol work, all of which are approved medicinal products.
Combinations with St. John’s wort are helpful for mood swings.

By Roger White

this period adopted the technique of prescribing their formulas and the instructions for compounding them in verse.
The most famous instance is that of Andromachus, physician to Nero, whose elegiac verses describing the composition of his Theriakon are quoted by Galen.
It was through the interval between Hippocrates and Galen that the countless sects of ancient medicine, the Dogmatics, the Stoics, the Empirics, the Methodics, and the Eclectics were born and flourished.

  • The Elementals know only the mysteries of the particular element in that they live.
  • Dr. Willis preferred the crude tartar as the cream of tartar sold by the druggists was generally a cheat, often coupled with alum.
  • De Saussure, Gay-Lussac, and Liebig studied the substance, but it was Dumas and Boullay in 1837, and Williamson in 1854, who solved the chemistry of ethers.
  • The sea-salt would yield a proportion of bismuth oxychloride in the precipitate.
  • Cromwell” whom he describes as “Valde melancholicus.” He died at Chelsea in 1655 at the age of 82.

subsequently substituted for the liver.
Other metals in circumstances of fusion, mercury being an ingredient of the fused mass, and gold was produced.
Other suggested derivations have been anti-monos, for the reason that the sulphide was never found alone; anti-menein, in reference to its tonic properties; and anti-minium, because it was used being an eye paint in the place of red lead.
These are all guesses unsupported by evidence.
The iatro-chemists of another century, who obtained it by various methods, gave to sulphate of potash distinct names which show in what esteem it had been held.
Among other designations it appears as Specificum purgans, Arcanum duplicatum, Nitrum fixum, Panacea holsatica, and Sel de duobus.

Spirit Of Nitrous Ether

He insisted that phlogiston was appreciably ponderable.
But, he said, when it’s absorbed right into a metal or other substance it generally does not match that substance, but is continually in motion in the interstices of the molecules.
So that as a bird in a cage will not add to the weight of the cage as long as it really is flying about, no more does phlogiston add to the weight of the metal where it is similarly flying about.

and dried; it was naturally called Cream of Tartar.
When the alchemists begun to experiment with tartar their first process would be to distil it.

The alchemists were familiar with alum and knew it to be a mix of sulphuric acid having an unknown earth.
Van Helmont was the first ever to employ alum as a styptic in uterine hæmorrhage, and Helvetius made an excellent reputation for a styptic he recommended for similar cases.
His pills were composed of alum 10 parts, dragon’s blood 3 parts, honey of roses q.s., made into 4 grain pills, of which six were to be studied daily.
The Arabs adopted this word, and prefixing to it their article, al, made it into alembic.

(Originally referred to hammocks, in days of yore before berthing spaces.).
More correctly, the “trice” is the bottom rack, being built to fold against the bulkhead/stanchion , when the command “Trice-up” was presented with, the rack would be folded up, allowing compartment cleaners to sweep and swab under that bottom rack.

As a boy he had seen the poor women extract it in Corsica, as Bonomo and Cestoni had seen others take action at Leghorn, though his learned master at a healthcare facility remained sceptical for a few years.
It was close to the middle of the nineteenth century prior to the parasitic character of itch was universally acknowledged.
All of this time, however, the complaint was seen as a disturbance of the humours which needed to be treated by suitable internal medicines.
In a typical work, De Morbis Cutaneis, by Mercuriali, published at Venice in 1601, the writer attributes the disease to perverted humours, and says it is contagious because the liquid containing the contagious principle is deposited on or in the skin.

But Bauduin was very shy of Kunckel, and the latter has left an amusing account of an evening he spent with his quarry.
Kunckel tried to talk chemistry, but Bauduin would only take interest in music.
Finally, however, Kunckel induced Bauduin to walk out the area to fetch a concave mirror to see if with that the precious phosphorus would absorb the light.
While Bauduin was gone Kunckel were able to nip a morsel along with his finger-nail.
With this, along with the fragments of information he had been able to steal from Bauduin’s conversation, he commenced to experiment by treating chalk with nitric acid, and ultimately succeeded in producing the coveted luminous earth.

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