Tooth gem: A decorative or ornamental gem or jewel that is attached to a tooth, often using dental adhesive.

Round concretions found in cocoanuts, of no value but confused by tourists with the giant dull Tridacna pearls.
Cloudy amber – Translucent, semi-translucent and opaque amber, ranging in color from pale yellow to darkish.
Close plating – An early on plating process that’s now obsolete.
The top to be coated was cleaned, fluxed and tinned and a thin foil of silver was then affixed thereto by pressure and by the aid of silver of a hot soldering iron.
Click-spring – Spring pressing on a click to help keep it set up in the teeth of a ratchet wheel.

Color grade – The classification of body color of cut diamonds, which range from colorless to yellow.

Fuzee engine – Lathe used to cut the tapered, helical groove in a fuzee blank.
Fully adjusted – Term applied legally when a watch is adjusted to isochronism, temperatures and all usable positions.
Frieze – In the designing of some clock cases, an ornamental band between a cornice above and a part below that usually rests on columns or pilasters.
Fret-work – Angular interlaced ornamentation, used sometimes in borders of silver articles.
Frequency – The rate per unit of time of the oscillations of an alternating electric energy.
A frequency of 60 cycles per second is mainly used in current for synchronous motor electric clocks.

Waterloo Teeth: Wearing A Dead Man’s Grin

The wire held together teeth that were removed and were placed back to the mouth, so that they made eating difficult.
The practice wasn’t necessarily common, but archaeologists found documentation of around 20 sets of teeth woven together in this manner.
Etruscan civilization vanished as the Romans took over Italy, which fashion trend died with it.
From the Accutron Barcelona Collection, this model features a white enamel dial and inlaid gold running along the stainless steel band.
From the Accutron Barcelona Collection, this model includes a black enamel dial, sapphire crystal and a stainless case.

  • Current dentistry trends include gold, jewels or crowns that resemble stainless crowns of the sooner times, the latter being accorded a less fashionable status.
  • It was used mainly in American-made watches.
  • Between teeth and jewelry, there are barely noticeable spaces but certainly are a perfect place for the proliferation of bacteria that triggers bad breath and infections.
  • Amber’s popularity derives from its beauty, light-weight, and the countless prophylactic properties attributed to it.
  • Tourmaline cat’s-eyes, beryl, diopside, and scapolite cat’s-eye aren’t uncommon.

Forming mallet – A mallet with its head shaped for indenting sheet metal; sometimes found in operations on work with which there isn’t a suitable sink in the dapping block.
Flux fusion – A standard approach to gemstone synthesis, involving a molten compound in which are dissolved the ingredients for the required stone, such as emerald, YAG, ruby, and the like.
A cooler level allows them to crystallize out in top of the region, after dissolving near the bottom of the platinum pot.
It is the method utilized by Chatham and Gilson, among others.
Flexible extension bracelet – A kind of bracelet used for watches or jewelry, with links actuated by springs which allow for extension.

Buri Beads

Flue scratch brush – A kind of metal-bristled scratch brush used by jewelers for work within openings of small diameter.
Flecbes d’amour – (flesh’dah’moor’) Rutile needles through quartz; “Cupid’s darts,” rutilated quartz, love’s arrows, Venus’ hairstone and sagenitic quartz are synonyms for this material.
Flat stock – Flat metal produced by successive passes through rolling mill to reduce its thickness.
Flat hairspring – A balance spring without over coil; with most of its coils in the same place.
Flat graver – Type of engravers’ tool for producing a cut with a flat bottom in a plane parallel with the top of work.

Sapphire comprises blue and white crystals.
Skyce and sapphire are quality tooth gems yet skyce puts a sparkle atlanta divorce attorneys smile.

to the escapement is not directly influenced by the mainspring.
Concentric – Two or more things having the same center; for instance in the balance-assembly of a wrist watch, the staff, roller table, hairspring, and balance are concentric.
Compteur – (kawn-terr’) Swiss name for a wrist watch with center-seconds hand with chronograph action, but without ordinary hour and minute hands.
They include standard ways of test, rating, certification, and labeling, and provide a uniform basis for fair competition.
They are made effective through voluntary guarantees on invoices, on labels, or grade marks on the products themselves.
Colorless – Free of any color; preferable in a diamond description to the old, but inaccurate, blue-white.

  • Dentistry, in a few form or another, has been practiced for at the very least 14,000 years, although tooth extraction and remedies for toothaches probably go back much further.
  • Using mostly borosilicate glass, the entirely self-taught artist developed distinctive ways to achieve stunning effects.
  • Tooth jewels made of inexpensive materials can cost about $20.
  • Tooth jewelry is really a procedure where diamonds or

In the cause of dental rings, a hole is made in the incisors and the ring runs through the hole.
Probably the most commonly preferred teeth will be the maxillary central incisors, and the size of the perforation is founded on ring thickness selected.
The perforation should be smoothly polished and rings are embedded with tooth jewelry aswell.
The diameter of the ring should be considered in this case to avoid occlusion interference.
Rings connect the incisors in the guts or one in the guts to the side aswell.

Precious Metals And Their Properties

Also anybody diamond setting whose prongs have a similar curving effect.
Fish-eye – In mention of diamonds, a stone with a dark ring where the pavilion facets reflect the girdle, because those facets are too flat.
Fisheye in addition has been used as a synonym for moonstone.
Fine cleavage – Diamond fragments still worth cutting after the cleaving.
Also used for odd-shaped or flawed stones requiring cleaving.
File card – A brush with steel wire bristles, for cleaning teeth of files from metal waste or dirt; effective for course-toothed files, however, not for fine-cut files, for which a metal-edged file cleaner is superior.
Fashioning – All of the processes of cutting

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