Weeping fig: Ficus plant. Native to Asia and Australia, it is popular as a houseplant in more temperate climates.

Learn more about how to approach these teeny-tiny pests in our guide.
These tiny spider relatives will suck on your own plants to feed, and they leave behind extremely fine webbing – which is usually what will first tip you off to an infestation.
To rid your plant of them, wipe each insect with a cotton swab that has been dunked in a bit of rubbing alcohol.

So let us help you to grow your knowledge and be a houseplant expert. [newline]It is really because your Ficus is fairly smart but also rather sensitive to improve.
It wants its leaves in certain angles and positions to maximise the available light to allow photosynthesis at its full potential.

Being an evergreen tree, Benjamin Fig usually can reach a height of around 50 feet , and sometimes close to 100 feet , when growing natively in warm areas of Asia and Australia.
However, it really is seldom grown to more than 5 to 9 feet tall when grown indoors as a houseplant.
Benjamin fig plants require 6-8 hours of bright indirect sunlight everyday for optimal growth.
‘Monique’ is less prone to leaf drop than a great many other types, and it grows well outdoors in Zones 10 to 11.

  • Weeping Figs love high humidity as they are tropical plants.
  • The Benjamin fig is one of the indoor trees that may cause allergies.
  • Though stately and beautiful, fiddle-leaf figs can be temperamental and notoriously difficult to look after.

This will ensure your weeping fig gets an ideal quantity of light and won’t get scorched by direct sunlight.
As mentioned above, the leaves could be a shiny green, or variegated, and there are other cultivars.
The pointed leaves, when grown indoors, are approximately 4 inches long and slim in width.
The branches and leaves arch over, and the flexible trunk can grow in a twisted form, similar to a banyan tree and with multiple trunk from the roots.
At the end of summer, it’s likely you’ll see some leaves falling, which is normal, so don’t be worried about this.
Ficus trees do best with nighttime temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit and daytime temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

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It gets the classic tree silhouette and is perfectly adapted to indoor living.
Simply add Root Supplement to your watering can and apply every two weeks for best results.
This plant is toxic to humans and animals, so be cautious if you have children or pets.
Use a balanced liquid fertilizer for your Ficus benjamina and follow the dilution directions on the bottle.
These trees may also be considered a higher risk for succumbing to storm gale winds in hurricane-prone south Florida.

The United States Forest Service writes that the roots of the Ficus grow quickly and are invasive.
Leaves burned mean plant is in a too hot direct light.

How To Grow Pansy In Pots

Gently press the sides of the nursery container to loosen the main ball, and gently pull the plant out.
Seal the low end of the wrap that’s closest to the joint with tape.
Close the top of the plastic using a bit of string or perhaps a twist tie, so it’s an easy task to reopen when you need to water.
Use a clean, sharp knife to cut in regards to a third of the way through the branch.
Don’t cut around the entire branch, just make the cut on one side.
You intend to cut through the bark and green cambium layer to reach the light-colored wood inside.
In other words, you can’t harvest the immature fruit from a preexisting tree and utilize it to procure seeds for planting.

In amongst overseeing a global editorial team, Andrew’s a separate content creator around all things flowers, floral design, gardening, and houseplants.
Ficus and fig trees have a place or are mentioned in several religions around the globe.
They come in Buddhism because the Buddha is said to have achieved enlightenment while meditating under a fig tree.
Fig trees also come in the Torah and both Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
It’s also a substantial tree in Islam, Hinduism, and Jainism.

Weeping Fig, Benjamin Tree, Java Fig, Java Tree, Small-leaved Rubber Plant, Tropic Laurel, Waringin, Ficus Nitida

The Weeping Fig is a Ficus which means the sap within the plant is normally mildly toxic to many pets and folks.
It has a milky irritating sap in the stems and leaves that may cause gastrointestinal issues if eaten and skin irritation if the sap is allowed get into small cuts on the skin.

As its common name suggests, this ficus is really a vine with a creeping or climbing habit.
Due to this fact, you’ll have to support it so it can climb.
While a creeping fig

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