Booster scent beads: Booster scent beads are a type of air freshener in the form of small beads or pellets that release a scent when activated.

PKO is applied to convulsant children to modify their body temperature.
Constituents — The plant contains at least 63 indole alkaloids, of which 2 of them, vincaleukoblastine and vincristine , are dimeric compounds found in clinical medicine for the treating certain types of cancer.
Other alkaloids within the plant include reserpine, ajmalicine, alstonine, and their congeners.
The leaf volatile oil contains loganin and sulfurous compounds.408 Organic acids have already been been shown to be major constituents, including protocathechuic, caffeic-p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and ursolic.
Description — This can be a tall tree, often attaining a height as high as 17 m, with wide spreading branches and large leaves which are clustered at the end of the twigs.

Each pinna bears 10–25 pairs of short, narrow, crowded leaflets.
The inflorescence includes densely crowded, stalkless, white-pink, or mauve filaments, borne in the axils of the leaves, on stalks about 4 cm long.
The sterile flowers are borne below the fertile ones, each of which has yellow stamens.
The flowers are faintly fragrant and also have been used as ornamentals.
Ethnomedicinal Uses — The leaf extract can be an ingredient in remedies for cough and chest complaints.

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Grapple plant can be used as a bitter tonic, and it is reported to have 6000 or even more bitterness equivalence compared to that of gentian root.
Constituents — The plant contains around 3% volatile oil, the major constituents of which are cineole, as well as tannin, a bitter principle, and resin.
The oil also includes (+)-a-pinene, phellandrene, geraniol, alkyl aldehydes, methyl cinnamate, and a number of terpenes.

Be sure you call Poison Control promptly if someone is bitten.
Although they are pretty, Virginia creeper and wisteria can be harmful if they are chewed or swallowed.
Both plants can cause mouth pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and should not be eaten.
It grows in the wild and is often cultivated for its beauty in private gardens.

Second, airflow make a difference how quickly an air freshener lasts.
Air flow is what helps a fragrance disperse into your room or vehicle.
However, placing a freshie within an area that’s overly drafty can make the fragrance dissipate more quickly.
Depending on the type of project, aroma beads will continue smelling strong for 45 days.
If you are using freshies regularly, you’ll probably discover that they go longer in the cooler months.
No, aroma beads need not be baked as a way to cure.
As soon as your aroma beads absorb the fragrance and so are dry, they are ready to use for projects.

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Though iron is available naturally in some foods, an overdose of iron supplements could be life-threatening.
Acute iron poisoning in children can lead to bleeding, shock, acidosis, and death.

  • The latex can be used on carious teeth and to help children’s teeth erupt.7 The root decoction is used for the treatment of gonorrhea.
  • Batteries can cause internal burns, water from tree stands and left-over food can contain bacteria, and decorations and plants can be choking hazards.
  • The bitterness of the leaves is normally reduced by boiling and soaking in water followed by several washings with fresh water.
  • Symptoms include tremors, high heart rate, low blood potassium, seizures, and cardiac arrest.
  • If you decide to use chemicals to take care of your lawn, choose only those chemicals which will treat your specific problem.
  • When used correctly, povidone iodine may cause mild side effects, nonetheless it could cause major problems when used incorrectly.

This non-toxic air freshener spray is plant-based, toxin-free, and smells just as fresh and delightful as P&G’s products.
Because of their laundry scent boosters, both of these companies do disclose their full ingredient list, including what their fragrance contains.
And while we definitely appreciate the transparency, unfortunately, a lot of those ingredients are on MADESAFE’s banned list, so we can’t strongly recommend them.
Ethnomedicinal Uses — A decoction of the stem and root is used in the treating mental disorders.
The decoction of the bark is considered an analgesic and is added to embrocation mixtures used as a paste during fracture repair.
In southeastern Nigeria, the plant is featured in lots of healing rituals.

A decoction of the roots is used in Ghana as a bath solution for fevers and malaria.
The fruits may also be added as an ingredient to anticonvulsant remedies.
It is an ingredient in traditional remedies for arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, asthma, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and epilepsy.
Description — In accordance with a description provided by the South Africa National Biodiversity Institute, Mondia whitei is really a perennial, woody, rather robust and vigorous climber that grows from a large tuberous rootstock.
The roots are aromatic and apparently taste like ginger or liquorice and also have an aroma reminding among vanilla.

In coastal Kenya and Tanzania, the pulp-coated seeds are colored and sugar coated and sold as sweets.
The seeds are used to adulterate groundnuts and sometimes as a coffee substitute.
The oil extracted from the seed kernels by boiling and distillation is semifluid, golden yellow, gently scented, and nondrying and has a long shelf life.

Habitat and Distribution —Prunus africana is really a Pan-African montane tree species.
It is commercially collected mainly from Cameroon and Madagascar.
Ethnomedicinal Uses — The whole herb can be used throughout West Africa as a febrifuge so when an ingredient

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