Module federation: Module sharing software with a JavaScript architecture used to share code between two separate codebases.

Both TDD and BDD can be powerful tools for making certain your code is of top quality and that it meets the requirements of one’s users.
Although it isn’t strictly necessary since we have workspaces, Lerna makes it easier to publish packages and run scripts across different packages.
The packages billing and products are types of packages that are owned by product teams and correspond to their area of ownership.
With new runtimes appearing as edge workers, the need for standardized APIs across all Javascript runtimes has never been more evident, with organizations like WinterCG appearing to fill this need.
Let’s take a good example of a large interactive frontend requiring translation in multiple languages.

  • These separate builds shouldn’t have dependencies between each other, so they can be developed and deployed individually.
  • As frontend architecture becomes increasingly distributed, many of these concepts are bundled into next-gen frameworks and tools as default best practices.
  • It’s far better to invest time at the start of the project for refactoring a lot of micro-frontends.

Some candidate components for sharing are buttons, checkboxes, labels or selections.
We are able to also share more technical components such as for example suggestions and pagination.
However, ensure that your shared components include only UI logic, not business or domain logic.
When domain logic is put into a shared library, it introduces a strong coupling across applications and increases the difficulty of change.
Well, this is a common misconception for most developers and is not the micro frontend approach.
Suppose your skills app 1.0.0

Any Url Could Be Loaded As A Module With Standard Url Syntax: Any Kind Of Module Format Could Be Loaded And It’ll Be…

Error Boundaries effectively protect us in such instances so this allows us to implement some fallback components to be shown once the remote component is not available.
This was the simplest possible example but applications built with module federation could be a lot more complex.
Let me share a higher level summary of what my team and I have been working on lately.
Composition layer ownership is another challenge with this particular architecture.In the best implementations, a cross-functional team of frontend and backend developers work together to control the micro-frontend composition layer end to get rid of.
In this way, they can collaborate on the very best outputs at the composition layer level, improving how data flows through it.

Nowadays we have all the tools and resources needed to impact how fast a view is made up and served to our users.
Iframes aren’t new, however they are still used for specific reasons and have found a location within the micro-frontend ecosystem.
So far, the primary use cases for implementing micro-frontends with iframes are coming from desktop applications and B2B applications, whenever we control the environment where the application is consumed.
Note, though, that this approach is strongly discouraged for consumer websites because iframes are actually harmful to performance.
They are CPU-intensive, particularly when multiple iframes are used in the same view.

Sharing Dependencies

For those who have a self-sufficient project or are in a migration process, you can aquire more successful results by blending with issues such as for example CI/CD processes and Micro Service Architecture in your Back-End.
In this way, it will be easy to automate and dynamically use the examples that people have prepared above.

I’m trying to implement Webpack-5 module federation to existing large real life app.
I’m trying to demonstrate plugins like in angular-plugin-architecture-with-module-federation.
I’m using Manfred Steyer module federation plugin and I am encountering a NullInjectorError within the console when wanting to load an external module which imports ReactiveFormsModule & …
WHEN I integrated webpack module federation into our project, I’m still confused by it.

In this article, I covered a number of technical considerations to help you design and develop your micro frontend architecture.
Using BEM is a methodology that allows you to create reusable components and code sharing in frontend development.
Micro frontends have grown to be a hot topic in the tech world in recent years.
When I started researching and applying this technology, it proved it wasn’t as simple when i had initially thought.
That’s mainly because there are so many advanced concepts we have to deal with to build a good micro frontend.
Most frontends look something like this, wherein there’s some common container with a header/footer/sidebar combination and changing content in between with layers of complexity.

This could be useful to ensure all web-properties follow the latest corporate branding, without each app team having to invest time on updates.
I don’t desire to list every one of them here, therefore i only cover the framework I find best suited to greatly help us build great micro frontends.
Webpack Module Federation is a Javascript architecture invented by Zack Jackson.
This architecture allows a Javascript application to dynamically load code from another application and, along the way, share dependencies, which allows for less code duplication in the application.
There are several tutorials and articles on the net on micro frontends.
However, I could not find any articles covering everything I needed, explaining the basics of micro frontends, their purpose and the best tools to build one.

Import-map is really a strategy utilizing the single-spa framework, allowing control over what URLs get fetched by Javascript import statements and import().
They allow us to easy scale individual services, with each application using its own scale requirements.

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