organic harvest: An organization that provides organic or sustainably-grown food and other products, often with a focus on supporting small farmers and reducing the environmental impact of agriculture.

Frison EA, Cherfas J, Hodgkin T. Agricultural biodiversity is essential for a sustainable improvement in food and nutrition security.
Eilers E, Kremen C, Greenleaf SS, Garber AK, Klein A. Contribution of pollinator-mediated crops to nutrients in the human food supply.
Brewer MJ, Goodell PB. Approaches and incentives to implement integrated pest management that addresses regional and environmental issues.
Bharucha Z, Pretty J. The role and importance of wild foods in agricultural systems.
Three decades ago, Niñez concluded that they represented ‘one of the final frontiers for increasing food production in the

  • We first investigate the impacts of a conversion to organic agriculture on a range of environmental and production indicators.
  • Coli and other foodborne illnesses have sparked concern over the nation’s food supply.
  • Specifically, the non-cultivation agricultural system and protective agriculture generally are facing an ecologically and economically large potential for cultivated areas, whose productivity is decreasing day by day and becoming more open to erosion each day.
  • Certified organic US farms that raise animals must do so without the cages, antibiotics, and synthetic hgh that are routinely used in CAFOs.
  • Retail sales for organic products have increased by over 128% within the last a decade, from approximately €18 billion in 2009 2009 to €41 billion in 2019.

From the 1990s onwards, varietal improvement in addition has focused on the techniques of biotechnology and genetic modification .
Given that they were first commercialized in 1996, there’s been a 100-fold upsurge in global hectarage of GM crops.
Just over half of the global hectarage under GM crops was in Latin America, Asia and Africa, the primary crops being soybean, cotton, maize and canola .
Up to now, commercialized varieties mainly express two traits – herbicide tolerance and resistance to specific bugs.
Some other traits have already been developed to provide nutritional benefits (e.g. golden rice with high levels of vitamin A), but haven’t yet been cultivated commercially.
Biodiversity is crucial to global nutritional security, adding to the option of both farmed and wild foods, the provision of pollination services, predator–prey regulation and the provision of income through ecosystem-based livelihoods .
The majority of the global way to obtain vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, fluoride and iron originates from animal-

However, radical changes in current philosophies and practices are needed so that soil biodiversity can be enhanced by manure management.
Varietal improvements, particularly focused on increased yield and pest resistance, have long been at the forefront of agricultural intensification.


Feed costs will be the largest single variable cost in virtually any livestock operation.
Some of the feed may come from other enterprises on the ranch, some purchased feed is usually imported from off the farm.
Feed costs could be kept to a minimum by monitoring animal condition and performance and understanding seasonal variations in feed and forage quality on the farm.
Determining the optimal use of farm-generated by-products is an important challenge of diversified farming.

sequestering carbon in soils, but recent research suggests that is harder to attain than previously thought.
For example, practices to improve carbon, such as no-till farming, produced little or no carbon increases when measured at deeper soil depths.
Rice paddies contributed at the very least 10 percent of agricultural production emissions in 2010 2010, primarily by means of methane.
But you can find less emissions- and resource-intensive rice production methods.

These changes might have far-reaching effects on the environment, on international trade in all kinds of commodities, but additionally on individual farmers.
These changes will take place in the primary food source regions of the world and will have consequences on food sinks – on the food way to obtain food-importing countries.
Such changes will therefore require international coordination and agreement, that is definately not trivial.

The next category is humid and semi-humid regions receiving between 600 and 2700 mm of rainfall annually.
Murang’a County in central Kenya is found in the humid to semi-humid region.
The certified organic farms in this county are often third-party certified by organizations like the Swiss IMO and others.
Certification is regulated through contracts with private companies that obtain and market the farms’ produce.
These companies purchase the certification costs and facilitate the transformation of the farm through farmer training, hiring labour for harvesting, and marketing the farmers’ products at a premium prices (Kamau, 2018; Kamau et al., 2018).
A few recent publications assess climate change impacts on yields49,50,51,52,53.

Regenerative Agriculture

Due to their nature, traditional systems usually do not use synthetic agricultural inputs.
Many, however, not all, traditional systems fully meet up with the production standards for organic agriculture.
In contrast to food labelled as “environmentally-friendly”, “green” or “free-range”, the label “organic” denotes compliance with specific production and processing methods.

  • This ratio is then multiplied with the total agricultural land areas in the scenarios to derive values for deforestation.
  • A 2012 meta-analysis discovered that productivity is normally lower for organic farming than conventional farming, but that the size of the difference depends upon context and in some cases is quite small.
  • Agricultural systems at all levels depend on the worthiness of services flowing from the full total stock of assets that they influence and control, and five types of asset – natural, social, human, physical and financial capital – are named being important .
  • Fertilizer application methods are really important when it comes to fertilizer economy.

However, in combination with reductions of food wastage and food-competing feed from arable land, with correspondingly reduced production and usage of animal products, land use under organic agriculture remains below the reference scenario.
Other indicators such as for example greenhouse gas emissions also improve, but adequate nitrogen supply is challenging.

8 Precision Nutrient Management

Partly driven by increased costs of fertilizer and pesticide inputs, plus growing scarcity of natural resources , and continued soil erosion, farmers had been adopting novel approaches in a wide selection of farm systems.
The NRC noted that ‘alternative agriculture’ was ‘not a single system of farming practices’, that they were compatible with large and small farms and they were often diversified.
Such alternative agricultural systems used crop rotations, IPM, soil and water conserving tillage, animal production systems that emphasized disease prevention without antibiotics, and genetic improvement of crops to resist pests and disease and use nutrients better.
Well-measured alternative farming systems ‘nearly always used less synthetic chemical pesticides, fertilizers and antibiotics per unit of production than comparable conventional farms’ .
They also required ‘more information, trained labour, time and management skills per unit of production (p. 9).

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