
Try to avoid the bottom of the screen from being exposed to direct light.
Bring the screen in to the bathroom or even to a hose and turn the water on cold.
The water by itself should take off a lot of the unwanted emulsion; the others you will need to rub off gently together with your fingers.
Hold the screen up to the light and check if the emulsion has been totally removed in the areas that were blocked (figure 16.6).
You should allow it completely dry — this will take about one hour.
Suddenly, I saw the familiar reflection of red and blue lights from the road that passed before Anthony Hall.
I didn’t panic, though I knew a University Police cruiser was close enough that I possibly could yell to the cop from Aulerich’s window.

  • Most people I have talked to about Lists managing depression have an extremely hard time just taking care of day-to-day
  • The two cars, among which was a minivan, were also loaded up with big scraps of wood and metal , chains, and locks that would be used to form barricades that would complete the areas round the cars.
  • You will need a solid film material, not the woven variety with grommets for tying down.
  • Look on such conversations as opportunities to learn together with teach.

Being arrested and hied in a court of law is really a potential consequence of whatever it really is that you will be doing, but someone to be avoided when possible, not any sort of desirable end in and of itself.
It pays to plan actions that maximize effect while minimizing lawbreaking.
I am saying that a deed’s worth is measured by its effectiveness, not its illegality.

Frequency Machine

Launched locally last summer, The Village App makes it easy to give, get and gather through peer to peer support.
Sunhouse, founded by three Chicano/a siblings from Los Angeles, is really a music technology company building systems with musical intelligence.
With smart systems that listen and respond to a musician’s touch and software designed to get this to advanced tech accessible, they are checking new creative possibilities in live performance, studio recording, and composition.
Their patented technology builds a tangible link between the physical world and digital sound by tracking the expressiveness of acoustic instruments through AI.
Sunhouse uses the latest advances in machine learning, music information retrieval, and signal processing to create new experiences for musicians that are instantly familiar and incredibly powerful.

Whatever your team looks like, talk about your approach before you go, be knowledge of each traveler’s needs, and look out for every other.
In the event that you don’t feel safe, or if it’s not a good ride, don’t be afraid to decline.
It’s awkward, but, unlike a bad ride, it’ll be over in a second.
You can always explain that the driver isn’t going far enough or dose enough to your destination.

Ways To Kick-start Your Plastic Free July (and Another Steps I’m Taking In Mine)

You can do without a few things to begin, but you’ll definitely need a full selection of wrenches , pliers, tire levers, chain tools, wire cutters, freewheel removers, screwdrivers, bike pumps, lubes, etc.
It is possible to improvise substitutes for some tools, like utilizing an adjustable wrench to eliminate pedals, but ideally you should be able to repair a whole bike with whatever you’ve got.
Tools, you will discover, especially the specialized tools had a need to repair a bicycle, have become expensive, which is one reason that a lot of people will never learn to repair a bike, and can instead continue to depend on bike shops.

  • Just like revolutions, the very best festivals are open-ended, encouraging groups to organize within them because they see fit in ways that add up to a whole much greater than the sum of the its parts.
  • All smooth, or special, finishes are gained only at added cost.
  • In heat of action, it’s easy for all of the structures you have create in your affinity group to dissolve as individuals get swept up in new developments.
  • Their products include pre-paid debit cards and bank-issued debit cards.
  • She became an orphan at this 10 and was raised in the Mukuru Kwa Njenga slums, one of the biggest slums in Nairobi (Kenya’s capital city).
  • double-thick covers and cardboards, are created by pasting several thicknesses together.

This time, we rode the opposite direction through town, taking over the primary street and demanding as much attention as we had on the road but at less risk.
Just as some shortsightedly reject tactics other than their own as ineffective, others wish to compete to find out whose tactics are the most committed or probably the most impressive.
However the most dramatic triumphs of militant direct action are only possible because of the support of individuals applying more conventional approaches, and vice versa.
It is important that people not see tactics as existing in a hierarchy of value, from risk-free and insignificant to dangerous and glorious, but instead in an ecosystem where all play an irreplaceable role.
The wonder industry is slow to incorporate women of color in beauty trends, yet they spend 9x more on beauty than any ethnic group on hair care.
Beauty schools simply don’t train stylists on black hair, due to this fact, women of color can’t trust just any stylist to do her hair—discovery of the right stylist is key.
Co-founders Jihan Thompson, a former editor at top national women’s magazines, and Jennifer Lambert, a Harvard-trained, former corporate lawyer, have created Swivel to be the best beauty

Tag: Zero Waste

You will feel a flush of pride once you repair your first headset, and then shudder inside once you remember that you nevertheless still need to learn how exactly to true a wheel.
You might see no reduction in the quantity of cars on the road, but you will start seeing bikes that you recognize locked up outside the local supermarket, or at shows, or passing you around.
Then you can quit for good and let your minions continue your work.

Strike all at once and go for it while you have the chance, that’s the moral of the story.
Ultimately, there’s no reason the strategies of voting and direct action can’t both be applied together.
The thing is that a lot of people think of voting as their primary method of exerting political and social power a disproportionate period of time and energy is focused on electoral affairs while other opportunities to create change go to waste.
For months and months preceding every election, everyone argues concerning the voting issue, what candidates to vote for or whether to vote at all, when voting itself takes significantly less than an hour.

Place a rare earth magnet (big ones can be found in old computer hard disks with 5” disks) close to the magnetically stored data.
If you’ve already amassed a debilitating debt to credit card issuers or from student loans, and you’re afraid you’ll have to spend the rest you will ever have slaving to cover it off, fear not.

Some communities include street medics, who provide health care and first aid to protesters; at demonstrations, such medics can frequently be identified by red crosses or other such insignias.
If there are no such medics in your region and an action is approaching, it’s important that some individuals take classes and become ready to handle any emergencies that might arise.
An affinity group undertaking a dangerous project should consider having a medic of its own, as well.
For this day, to conserve money, we didn’t rent the theater, and instead put on the free skillshares — radical graphic design, pirate radio, and graffiti — in an area at the public library and a local independent show space.
The graffiti skillshare spilled out into the streets in the end, to decorate the walls in preparation for the weekend.
Some people showed up from out of town, and we arranged for locals to accommodate them.

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