Whataboutism: Logical fallacy whereby a criticism is met with claims that other entities are similarly flawed, so as to deflect the initial criticism.

“Permissioned chains” in the broadest sense, do not use proof-of-work.
Not once have I been in a governance-related meeting involving banks in which they thought the answer to a governance-related issue was increasing or decreasing computational power.
It is a non sequitur and really should be removed within the next edition.
Both worlds can and will co-exist since they were designed for different operating environments.

In some ways what we don’t know is equally–if not more–important for ethics than what we realize.
The epistemological limits of my capability to reasonably justify my actions to others constrains my ethical options.
And yet, we can get very far, ethically speaking, just by determining what behaviors we can’t justify while equally considering the interests of others.
Notice I am using the word justify instead of convince.
Don’t assume all ethically relevant being is with the capacity of being convinced or will be convinced by normative reasoning.
The issue of the is/ought distinction is that it raises a challenge for anybody wishing to reach your final indisputable normative claim about ethics, that every rational entity qua rational entity is compelled to accept, premised on some natural fact concerning the world.

Anyway, Satoshi and I talked offlist about the problems, and possible solutions, and usage of proof chains for digital cash, and my old protocol, and many previous forms of digital cash, and lastly he sent me the proof chain code for review.
Of course it wasn’t a “serious” proposal, I thought.

Cointroversies To Look Into On The Summer

[newline]Your identity didn’t translate to anything in real life.
At somepoint people began to treat it as ‘real world but on the computer’ instead of great deal of thought totally radically new way about ‘self’/’identity’ ect.
People thought of their internet profiles as their own self.

When law is made up in a way that makes it in practice only selectively applicable, it results in erosion of justice, and invites for corruption.
The consulting companies use a similar MO that Y2K consultants used.
Cherry picking case studies and data sets to make executives think the sky is falling when the truth is it isn’t all that hard to be compliant with GDPR also it really is comprehensible by the average person spending a day or 2 reading through to it.
Running a business, like other things in life, requires the opportunity to make reasoned choices from somewhat ambiguous data.

  • Needing to spend some effort to be sure you are in compliance with an enormous new little bit of regulation is expected and I am aware that folks complain about needing to do it.
  • They stood by during the past 5 years and watched Rome burn.
  • He’d gotten everything he wanted out of the EU, but in the finish Europeanism just wasn’t cutting it for him.
  • opinion.

In principle, this hostility to the ICC is rooted in the objection that the court is engaged in an intolerable effort to bind the united states to a treaty it has not ratified—in effect, to subject the US to laws to which it have not consented.
If this were true, it would indeed be an unacceptable and arbitrary state of affairs.
The ICC will not claim any jurisdiction over states—it seeks to prosecute individuals.
A Facebook post by my dear friend Steve Shiffrin moved me to comment of 1 aspect of his post, to which is added a preliminary try to explain this phenomenon in group psychological terms that draw from the wellspring of psychoanalysis.
At the, very end of Paul’s letter he gets personal.

The Truth About Yantras, Chakras, Temples, Tantra And Agamas

“These days it feels hopeless, even pathetic, to go on looking back at the Arab Spring.
Yet a minority of Egyptians remain committed to its memory and ideals.
[….] Human rights groups estimate that because the coup the Sisi regime has detained 60,000 political prisoners—so many that it has had to build a network of secret prisons, where torture is endemic.

  • Name and shame the organizations and explain how it would not be
  • There were completely different expectations under the gold standard and given the recent depression.
  • However in most cases – such as for example with Bitcoin itself – the low bound is not realistic as the necessary level of efficient hashing equipment haven’t been manufactured.
  • What I know is that Church-Turing thesis rests on more solid evidence than Clifford’s.

I have been uncomfortable with self-promoting academics and researchers seeking celebrity status.
The very best role model for research IMO is Howard Florey.

Its leading persona was Boris Johnson, and to the eternal shame of the Conservative Party, precious few demurred.
Fraser is really a Scottish Catholic highlander who now edits the Spectator in London.
Deeply versed in Tory politics, and sympathetic to Boris, he seemed the ideal person to ask to describe what’s been going on in Westminster, what went so wrong under PM Johnson, and who is more likely to replace him.

Asifa Bano’s Rape – A Shame For Humanity

So I’d like AG to take the criticism he’s receiving without getting defensive — something he’s clearly trying to do and doing better at than many would, though he could still do better.
But for those folks criticizing him, it’s vital that you acknowledge mitigating factors, and the quantity of good discussion that’s happened with this blog is a huge mitigating factor.
For the rest, my impression is that blog is written stream-of-consciousness, often with P.S.
If Andrew starts editing himself for politeness you will have fewer posts, the errors he highlights will be better to disregard, and, most of all, the posts will eventually lose their flavor and this content won’t enter the mind as easy.
In short your blog will undoubtedly be less interesting and less likely to do its job.

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